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Metropolitan Council Meeting
The Metropolitan Council met in regular session on this date at 7:00 p.m. in the Metropolitan Courthouse.
The invocation was offered by Reverend Clinton Lewis of First Baptist Church-Hopewell.
The Metropolitan Council gave the pledge of allegiance to the American Flag.
The roll was called and the following members were present during the progress of the meeting: Ferrell, Waters, Briley, Gentry, Tucker, Gilmore, Black, Nollner, Majors, Hall, Beehan, Campbell, Hart, Balthrop, Brown, Ponder, Derryberry, Stanley, Loring, McClendon, Greer, Hausser, Wallace, Haddox, Whitmore, Hand, Bogen, Summers, Shulman, Arriola, Sontany, Alexander, Holloway, Kerstetter, Knoch, Jenkins, Turner, Williams, Lineweaver, and President Steine (40); Absent: Dillard (1).
The Minutes of the regular meeting of February 1, 2000 were approved.
The President gave notice of a vacancy on the Nashville and Eastern Railroad Authority and announced that an election would be held by the Metropolitan Council, to fill the one year term. Deadline for nominations to be submitted in writing to the Metropolitan Clerk is February 22, 2000, at 4:00 p.m.; the election will be conducted by the Council at the second meeting in March.
Electrical Examiners and Appeals Board
Reappointment of Mr. Gerald Grant to the Electrical Examiners and Appeals Board. The Rules-Confirmations-Public Elections Committee recommended deferment, and Mr. Waters moved for defer the appointment, which motion was seconded and adopted by a voice vote of the Council.
Reappointment of Mr. Charles Williams to The Sports Authority. The Rules-Confirmations-Public Elections Committee recommended the appointment, and Mr. Waters moved for confirmation, which motion was seconded and adopted by a unanimous vote of the Council.
Taxicab and Wrecker Licensing Board
Appointment of Mr. James Utley to the Taxicab and Wrecker Licensing Board. The Rules-Confirmations-Public Elections Committee recommended the appointment, and Mr. Waters moved for confirmation, which motion was seconded and adopted by a unanimous vote of the Council.
A resolution requesting the Mayor and the Metro Department of Public Works, and other relevant departments to develop a one telephone number complaint program for constituent complaints. Mr. Summers offered a substitute resolution and moved that it be accepted for filing and no objection was made.
A substitute resolution requesting the Mayor and the Metro Department of Public Works, and other relevant departments, to develop a more effective communications system which includes a one telephone number complaint program for dealing with constituent complaints. The substitute resolution was approved by the Public Works Committee. Mr. Summers moved to adopt the substitute resolution, which motion was seconded and adopted by the following vote: "Ayes" Ferrell, Waters, Briley, Gentry, Tucker, Gilmore, Black, Nollner, Majors, Hall, Beehan, Campbell, Hart, Balthrop, Brown, Ponder, Derryberry, Stanley, Loring, McClendon, Greer, Hausser, Wallace, Haddox, Whitmore, Hand, Bogen, Summers, Shulman, Arriola, Sontany, Alexander, Holloway, Kerstetter, Knoch, Jenkins, Turner, Williams, Lineweaver (39); "Noes" (0).
A resolution requesting the Metropolitan Traffic and Parking Commission to provide 30 minutes of free parking in all Metro-owned lots and garages. The Traffic and Parking Committee recommended deferment of the resolution. Mr. Wallace moved to defer action indefinitely on the resolution, which motion was seconded and adopted by a voice vote of the Council.
A resolution requesting the Metropolitan Board of Health to name the new animal control facility in honor of deceased Metro Police K-9 Unit dog Aron. Ms. Sontany offered a substitute resolution and moved that it be accepted for filing and no objection was made.
A substitute resolution requesting the Metropolitan Board of Health to honor the deceased Metro Police K-9 Unit dogs Ingo and Aron or provide an appropriate memorial for these dogs at the new facility. The substitute resolution was approved by the Health, Hospitals and Social Services Committee. Ms. Sontany moved to adopt the substitute resolution, which motion was seconded and adopted by the following vote: "Ayes" Ferrell, Waters, Briley, Gentry, Tucker, Gilmore, Black, Nollner, Majors, Hall, Beehan, Campbell, Hart, Balthrop, Brown, Ponder, Derryberry, Stanley, Loring, McClendon, Greer, Hausser, Wallace, Haddox, Whitmore, Hand, Bogen, Summers, Shulman, Arriola, Sontany, Alexander, Holloway, Kerstetter, Knoch, Jenkins, Turner, Williams, Lineweaver (39); "Noes" (0).
A resolution requesting the State Department of Human Services to promptly resolve the issues in the collection and disbursement of child support payments by private contractors. The resolution was approved by the Health, Hospitals and Social Services Committee. Mr. Summers offered Amendment No. 1 and moved for its adoption, which motion was seconded and adopted by a voice vote of the Council. Mr. Alexander moved to adopt the resolution as amended, which motion was seconded and adopted by the following vote: "Ayes" Ferrell, Waters, Briley, Gentry, Tucker, Gilmore, Black, Nollner, Majors, Hall, Beehan, Campbell, Hart, Balthrop, Brown, Ponder, Derryberry, Stanley, Loring, McClendon, Greer, Hausser, Wallace, Haddox, Whitmore, Hand, Bogen, Summers, Shulman, Arriola, Sontany, Alexander, Holloway, Kerstetter, Knoch, Jenkins, Turner, Williams, Lineweaver (39); "Noes" (0).
A resolution requesting the Davidson County Delegation to the Tennessee General Assembly to oppose the use of local governments state-shared revenue distributions to solve the state budget problem. The resolution was approved by the Budget and Finance Committee. Ms. McClendon moved to adopt the resolution, which motion was seconded and adopted by the following vote: "Ayes" Ferrell, Waters, Briley, Gentry, Tucker, Gilmore, Black, Nollner, Majors, Hall, Beehan, Campbell, Hart, Balthrop, Brown, Ponder, Derryberry, Stanley, Loring, McClendon, Greer, Hausser, Wallace, Haddox, Whitmore, Hand, Bogen, Summers, Shulman, Arriola, Sontany, Alexander, Holloway, Kerstetter, Knoch, Jenkins, Turner, Williams, Lineweaver (39); "Noes" (0).
A resolution requesting operators of surface parking lots to require that their attendants wear identifying clothing or uniforms. The Traffic and Parking Committee recommended deferment of the resolution. Mr. Shulman moved to defer action on the resolution and to re-refer the resolution to the Traffic and Parking Commission, which motion was seconded and adopted by a voice vote of the Council.
A resolution requesting the Governor, Davidson County Delegation to the Tennessee General Assembly, and the State Commissioner of Safety to declare a period of amnesty for payment of reinstatement fees for driver's licenses which have been revoked or suspended. The Budget and Finance Committee recommended deferment of the resolution. Mr. Wallace moved to defer action on the resolution, which motion was seconded and adopted by a voice vote of the Council.
A resolution requesting the Davidson County Delegation to the Tennessee General Assembly to introduce and have adopted legislation that would increase the penalty for violating laws relating to the unlawful possession and sale of firearms. The Public Safety-Beer, Wine and Whiskey Committee recommended deferment of the resolution. Mr. Wallace moved to defer action on the resolution, which motion was seconded and adopted by a voice vote of the Council.
A resolution amending the 1999-2000 to 2004-2005 Capital Improvements Budget (Ordinance No. 099-1675) to add one Health Department project (Project No. OOHDO02 Energy Savings and Equipment Retrofit) and one Board of Education project (Project No. OOBE007 Information System-Equipment Upgrade). The resolution was approved by the Planning Commission; Budget and Finance; Education; Health, Hospitals and Social Services and Planning, Zoning and Historical Committees. Ms. Beehan moved to adopt the resolution, which motion was seconded and adopted by the following vote: "Ayes" Ferrell, Waters, Briley, Gentry, Tucker, Gilmore, Black, Nollner, Majors, Hall, Beehan, Campbell, Hart, Balthrop, Brown, Ponder, Derryberry, Stanley, Loring, McClendon, Greer, Hausser, Wallace, Haddox, Whitmore, Bogen, Shulman, Arriola, Sontany, Alexander, Holloway, Kerstetter, Knoch, Jenkins, Turner, Williams, Lineweaver (37); "Noes" (0).
A resolution authorizing the issuance of General Services District Capital Outlay Notes in an amount not to exceed $1,580,000 of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County for the purpose of providing funds for energy savings, water conservation and to retrofit HVAC, lighting, and plumbing for the Health Department, Project No. 00HD002, and to declare the intent of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County to reimburse itself for certain expenditures with the proceeds of the General Services District Capital Outlay Notes. The resolution was approved by the Budget and Finance and Health, Hospitals and Social Services Committees. Ms. Beehan moved to adopt the resolution, which motion was seconded and adopted by the following vote: "Ayes" Ferrell, Waters, Briley, Gentry, Tucker, Gilmore, Black, Nollner, Majors, Hall, Beehan, Campbell, Hart, Balthrop, Brown, Ponder, Derryberry, Stanley, Loring, McClendon, Greer, Hausser, Wallace, Haddox, Whitmore, Hand, Bogen, Summers, Shulman, Arriola, Sontany, Alexander, Holloway, Kerstetter, Knoch, Jenkins, Turner, Williams, Lineweaver (39); "Noes" (0).
A resolution authorizing the issuance of General Services District Capital Outlay Notes in an amount not to exceed $2,320,000 of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County for the purpose of providing funds for bus replacements mandatory to meet safety requirements, Project No. 97BE012, and to declare the intent of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County to reimburse itself for certain expenditures with the proceeds of the General Services District Capital Outlay Notes. The resolution was approved by the Budget and Finance and Education Committees. Ms. Beehan moved to adopt the resolution, which motion was seconded and adopted by the following vote: "Ayes" Ferrell, Waters, Briley, Gentry, Tucker, Gilmore, Black, Nollner, Majors, Hall, Beehan, Campbell, Hart, Balthrop, Brown, Ponder, Derryberry, Stanley, Loring, McClendon, Greer, Hausser, Wallace, Haddox, Whitmore, Hand, Bogen, Summers, Shulman, Arriola, Sontany, Alexander, Holloway, Kerstetter, Knoch, Jenkins, Turner, Williams, Lineweaver (39); "Noes" (0).
A resolution authorizing the issuance of General Services District Capital Outlay Notes in an amount not to exceed $2,000,000 of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County for the purpose of providing funds to upgrade the school-wide information system, Project No. 00BE007, and to declare the intent of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County to reimburse itself for certain expenditures with the proceeds of the General Services District Capital Outlay Notes. The resolution was approved by the Budget and Finance and Education Committees. Ms. Beehan moved to adopt the resolution, which motion was seconded and adopted by the following vote: "Ayes" Ferrell, Waters, Briley, Gentry, Tucker, Gilmore, Black, Nollner, Majors, Hall, Beehan, Campbell, Hart, Balthrop, Brown, Ponder, Derryberry, Stanley, Loring, McClendon, Greer, Hausser, Wallace, Haddox, Whitmore, Hand, Bogen, Summers, Shulman, Arriola, Sontany, Alexander, Holloway, Kerstetter, Knoch, Jenkins, Turner, Williams, Lineweaver (39); "Noes" (0).
A resolution amending R95-1475 by approving Amendment Six to the contract approved by said resolution by and between The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County acting by and through the Metropolitan Board of Health and Volunteer State Health Plan Inc. (formerly Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee, Inc.) for TennCare transportation services. The resolution was approved by the Budget and Finance and Health, Hospitals and Social Services Committees. Ms. Arriola moved to adopt the resolution, which motion was seconded and adopted by the following vote: "Ayes" Ferrell, Waters, Briley, Gentry, Tucker, Gilmore, Black, Nollner, Majors, Hall, Beehan, Campbell, Hart, Balthrop, Brown, Ponder, Derryberry, Stanley, Loring, McClendon, Greer, Hausser, Wallace, Haddox, Whitmore, Hand, Bogen, Summers, Shulman, Arriola, Sontany, Alexander, Holloway, Kerstetter, Knoch, Jenkins, Turner, Williams, Lineweaver (39); "Noes" (0).
A resolution approving a grant to The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County acting by and through the Metropolitan Board of Health from the Department of Environment and Conservation of the State of Tennessee in the amount of $21,500.00 for participating in the Environmental Justice community survey. The resolution was approved by the Budget and Finance and Health, Hospitals and Social Services Committees. Mr. Majors moved to adopt the resolution, which motion was seconded and adopted by the following vote: "Ayes" Ferrell, Waters, Briley, Gentry, Tucker, Gilmore, Black, Nollner, Majors, Hall, Beehan, Campbell, Hart, Balthrop, Brown, Ponder, Derryberry, Stanley, Loring, McClendon, Greer, Hausser, Wallace, Haddox, Whitmore, Hand, Bogen, Summers, Shulman, Arriola, Sontany, Alexander, Holloway, Kerstetter, Knoch, Jenkins, Turner, Williams, Lineweaver (39); "Noes" (0).
A resolution authorizing the Metropolitan Government to enter into Utility Contract No. 5478 with the State of Tennessee, Department of Transportation, for the construction of certain utilities, said construction being necessary as part of State Project No. 19030-3213-54 involving construction of SR-11 (Dickerson Road) at SR-65 (Trinity Lane) (Metro Project Nos. 98-SG-256 and 98-WG-171). The resolution was approved by the Budget and Finance and Public Works Committees. Mr. Majors moved to adopt the resolution, which motion was seconded and adopted by the following vote: "Ayes" Ferrell, Waters, Briley, Gentry, Tucker, Gilmore, Black, Nollner, Majors, Hall, Beehan, Campbell, Hart, Balthrop, Brown, Ponder, Derryberry, Stanley, Loring, McClendon, Greer, Hausser, Wallace, Haddox, Whitmore, Hand, Bogen, Summers, Shulman, Arriola, Sontany, Alexander, Holloway, Kerstetter, Knoch, Jenkins, Turner, Williams, Lineweaver (39); "Noes" (0).
A resolution ratifying an agreement with the Treasury Department of the State of Tennessee in order to deposit local funds for construction of Brick Church Pike from Brick Church Park Drive to Briley Parkway project in the Local Government Investment Pool (Utility Contract No. 5450). The resolution was approved by the Budget and Finance and Public Works Committees. Mr. Majors moved to adopt the resolution, which motion was seconded and adopted by the following vote: "Ayes" Ferrell, Waters, Briley, Gentry, Tucker, Gilmore, Black, Nollner, Majors, Hall, Beehan, Campbell, Hart, Balthrop, Brown, Ponder, Derryberry, Stanley, Loring, McClendon, Greer, Hausser, Wallace, Haddox, Whitmore, Hand, Bogen, Summers, Shulman, Arriola, Sontany, Alexander, Holloway, Kerstetter, Knoch, Jenkins, Turner, Williams, Lineweaver (39); "Noes" (0).
A resolution modifying the list of approved bill paying stations in accordance with Metropolitan Ordinance No. 88-613. The resolution was approved by the Public Works Committee. Mr. Whitmore moved to adopt the resolution, which motion was seconded and adopted by the following vote: "Ayes" Ferrell, Waters, Briley, Gentry, Tucker, Gilmore, Black, Nollner, Majors, Hall, Beehan, Campbell, Hart, Balthrop, Brown, Ponder, Derryberry, Stanley, Loring, McClendon, Greer, Hausser, Wallace, Haddox, Whitmore, Hand, Bogen, Summers, Shulman, Arriola, Sontany, Alexander, Holloway, Kerstetter, Knoch, Jenkins, Turner, Williams, Lineweaver (39); "Noes" (0).
A resolution adding the engineering firm of Teasley & Buchanan Engineering, LLC to the master list of architects and engineers, which master list was approved by Resolution No. R94-1050. Mr. Majors offered a substitute resolution and moved that it be accepted for filing and no objection was made.
A substitute resolution adding the engineering firms of Teasley & Buchanan Engineering, LLC, and The Larkin Group to the master list of architects and engineers, which master list was approved by Resolution No. R94-1050. The substitute resolution was approved by the Public Works Committee. Mr. Majors moved to adopt the substitute resolution, which motion was seconded and adopted by the following vote: "Ayes" Ferrell, Waters, Briley, Gentry, Tucker, Gilmore, Black, Nollner, Majors, Hall, Beehan, Campbell, Hart, Balthrop, Brown, Ponder, Derryberry, Stanley, Loring, McClendon, Greer, Hausser, Wallace, Haddox, Whitmore, Hand, Bogen, Summers, Shulman, Arriola, Sontany, Alexander, Holloway, Kerstetter, Knoch, Jenkins, Turner, Williams, Lineweaver (39); "Noes" (0).
An ordinance amending Section 2.56.610 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws to provide that the collection of the pre-trial supervision fee be collected by the General Sessions Courts. Upon motion duly seconded, the bill passed first reading and was referred to the Budget and Finance Committee by a voice vote of the Council.
An ordinance approving a grant from the State of Tennessee, Tennessee Commission on Children and Youth, to The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, acting through the Juvenile Court for the Vine Hill Community Collaborative Project. Upon motion duly seconded, the bill passed first reading and was referred to the Budget and Finance Committee by a voice vote of the Council.
An ordinance approving a grant from the State of Tennessee, Department of Human Services, to The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, acting through the Juvenile Court for child support services. Upon motion duly seconded, the bill passed first reading and was referred to the Budget and Finance Committee by a voice vote of the Council.
An ordinance approving the sale of certain property held by The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, Tennessee (Map 60-12, Parcel 103; Capitol View Avenue). Upon motion duly seconded, the bill passed first reading and was referred to the Planning Commission, Budget and Finance and Planning, Zoning and Historical Committees by a voice vote of the Council.
An ordinance authorizing the acquisition of property by negotiation or condemnation for the purpose of acquiring utility easements for use in public projects of the Metropolitan Government and specifically with relation to Project No. 98-SL-153, Greenwood Subdivision Easement Acquisition. Upon motion duly seconded, the bill passed first reading and was referred to the Planning Commission, Budget and Finance, Public Works and Planning, Zoning and Historical Committees by a voice vote of the Council.
An ordinance authorizing Saeed Sassan to participate with the Metropolitan Government, Department of Water and Sewerage Services to provide the Mt. View Ridge Phase II Subdivision Sewerage Service, by the construction of the Towne Village of the Country Pumping Station Upgrade, and Project No. 97-SL-247. Upon motion duly seconded, the bill passed first reading and was referred to the Budget and Finance and Public Works Committees by a voice vote of the Council.
An ordinance authorizing the Metropolitan Government to participate with McEwen Development, LLC for the construction of Project No. 99-SL-82, Christianstead Valley on-site and off-site sewer project. Upon motion duly seconded, the bill passed first reading and was referred to the Budget and Finance and Public Works Committees by a voice vote of the Council.
President Pro Tem Ferrell assumed the chair at this time.
An ordinance authorizing Al Davis, d/b/a McColl Manor Subdivision, to pay the Metropolitan Government, Department of Water and Sewerage Services, $6,000 for participation in the construction costs of the Owl Creek Trunk Sewer, Project No. 97-SG-84. The bill was approved by the Budget and Finance and Public Works Committees. Mr. Knoch moved to pass the bill on second reading, which motion was seconded and adopted by a voice vote of the Council.
An ordinance authorizing Houston Ezell Corporation to participate with the Metropolitan Government, Department of Water and Sewerage Services to provide the Weatherstone Subdivision sewerage service, by the construction of the Peppertree Farms Pumping Station Upgrade and Force Main Extension, Project No. 98-SL-91A. The bill was approved by the Budget and Finance and Public Works Committees. Ms. Holloway moved to pass the bill on second reading, which motion was seconded and adopted by a voice vote of the Council.
An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from AR2a District to RM15 District properties at 2946, 2952, and 2984 Baby Ruth Lane and Baby Ruth Lane (unnumbered), approximately 1,200 feet north of Mt. View Road (2.67 acres), (Proposal No. 99Z-069U), all of which is more particularly described herein. The bill was approved by the Planning Commission and Planning, Zoning and Historical Committee. Mr. Alexander moved to defer action on the bill, the bill being requested by Dale and Associates, which motion was seconded and adopted by a voice vote of the Council.
An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from AR2a District to RS10 District a portion of property at 2215 Murfreesboro Pike, abutting the east margin of Franklin Limestone Road (44 acres), (Proposal No. 99Z-136U-13), all of which is more particularly described herein. The bill was approved by the Planning Commission and Planning, Zoning and Historical Committee. Ms. Sontany moved to pass the bill on third reading, which motion was seconded and adopted by the following vote: "Ayes" Ferrell, Waters, Briley, Gentry, Tucker, Gilmore, Black, Nollner, Majors, Hall, Beehan, Campbell, Hart, Balthrop, Brown, Ponder, Derryberry, Stanley, Loring, McClendon, Greer, Hausser, Wallace, Haddox, Whitmore, Hand, Bogen, Summers, Shulman, Arriola, Sontany, Alexander, Holloway, Kerstetter, Knoch, Jenkins, Turner, Williams, Lineweaver (39); "Noes" (0).
An ordinance accepting the donation of a sum not to exceed Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) from the Nathanson Foundation to the Metropolitan Government, Department of Police. The bill was approved by the Budget and Finance and Public Safety-Beer, Wine and Whiskey Committees. Ms. Beehan moved to pass the bill on third reading, which motion was seconded and adopted by the following vote: "Ayes" Ferrell, Waters, Briley, Gentry, Tucker, Gilmore, Black, Nollner, Majors, Hall, Beehan, Campbell, Hart, Balthrop, Brown, Ponder, Derryberry, Stanley, Loring, McClendon, Greer, Hausser, Wallace, Haddox, Whitmore, Hand, Bogen, Summers, Shulman, Arriola, Sontany, Alexander, Holloway, Kerstetter, Knoch, Jenkins, Turner, Williams, Lineweaver (39); "Noes" (0).
An ordinance accepting the donation of a sum not to exceed Forty-Five Dollars ($45.00) from the families of Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Cordell and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Skinner to The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, Department of Police, in memory of Barbara Birkenmeyer. The bill was approved by the Budget and Finance and Public Safety-Beer, Wine and Whiskey Committees. Ms. Beehan moved to pass the bill on third reading, which motion was seconded and adopted by the following vote: "Ayes" Ferrell, Waters, Briley, Gentry, Tucker, Gilmore, Black, Nollner, Majors, Hall, Beehan, Campbell, Hart, Balthrop, Brown, Ponder, Derryberry, Stanley, Loring, McClendon, Greer, Hausser, Wallace, Haddox, Whitmore, Hand, Bogen, Summers, Shulman, Arriola, Sontany, Alexander, Holloway, Kerstetter, Knoch, Jenkins, Turner, Williams, Lineweaver (39); "Noes" (0).
An ordinance approving the acceptance of a law enforcement block grant from the U.S. Department of Justice to The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, acting through the Metropolitan Department of Police for the benefit the Department of Police, the Office of the District Attorney General, the Sheriffs Office, Metropolitan Public Schools, Criminal Court, Juvenile Court, Public Defender, the Justice Information Systems, and approving matching funds thereof. The bill was approved by the Budget and Finance, Education and Public Safety-Beer, Wine and Whiskey Committees. Ms. Beehan moved to pass the bill on third reading, which motion was seconded and adopted by the following vote: "Ayes" Ferrell, Waters, Briley, Gentry, Tucker, Gilmore, Black, Nollner, Majors, Hall, Beehan, Campbell, Hart, Balthrop, Brown, Ponder, Derryberry, Stanley, Loring, McClendon, Greer, Hausser, Wallace, Haddox, Whitmore, Hand, Bogen, Summers, Shulman, Arriola, Sontany, Alexander, Holloway, Kerstetter, Knoch, Jenkins, Turner, Williams, Lineweaver (39); "Noes" (0).
An ordinance approving a grant in the amount of $20,000.00 to The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, acting by and through the Metropolitan Board of Parks and Recreation, for the urban and community forestry grant assistance program. The bill was approved by the Budget and Finance and Parks, Library, Recreation and Auditorium Committees. Mr. Derryberry moved to pass the bill on third reading, which motion was seconded and adopted by the following vote: "Ayes" Ferrell, Waters, Briley, Gentry, Tucker, Gilmore, Black, Nollner, Majors, Hall, Beehan, Campbell, Hart, Balthrop, Brown, Ponder, Derryberry, Stanley, Loring, McClendon, Greer, Hausser, Wallace, Haddox, Whitmore, Hand, Bogen, Summers, Shulman, Arriola, Sontany, Alexander, Holloway, Kerstetter, Knoch, Jenkins, Turner, Williams, Lineweaver (39); "Noes" (0).
An ordinance approving a lease agreement between The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County and Forensic Medical Management Services, P.C., to provide out-of-county autopsies to the State of Tennessee. The bill was approved by the Planning Commission; Budget and Finance; Health, Hospitals and Social Services and Planning, Zoning and Historical Committees. Ms. Beehan moved to pass the bill on third reading, which motion was seconded and adopted by the following vote: "Ayes" Ferrell, Waters, Briley, Gentry, Tucker, Gilmore, Black, Nollner, Majors, Hall, Beehan, Campbell, Hart, Balthrop, Brown, Ponder, Derryberry, Stanley, Loring, McClendon, Greer, Hausser, Wallace, Haddox, Whitmore, Hand, Bogen, Summers, Shulman, Arriola, Sontany, Alexander, Holloway, Kerstetter, Knoch, Jenkins, Turner, Williams, Lineweaver (39); "Noes" (0).
An ordinance authorizing the acquisition of property by negotiation or condemnation for use in a public project for The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County and specifically with relation to the construction of additions to Head Middle School. The bill was approved by the Planning Commission; Budget and Finance; Education and Planning, Zoning and Historical Committees. Mr. Whitmore moved to defer action on the bill so that a meeting can be held with neighbors opposing the project, which motion was seconded and adopted by a voice vote of the Council.
An ordinance authorizing Level 3 Communications, LLC to construct, install, and maintain a fiber optic cable along Nolensville Pike, Franklin Road, Harding Place, and Old Hickory Boulevard, (Proposal No. 2000M-001G-00), all of which is more particularly described herein. The bill was approved by the Planning Commission, Budget and Finance and Planning, Zoning and Historical Committees. Mr. Majors moved to pass the bill on third reading, which motion was seconded and adopted by the following vote: "Ayes" Ferrell, Waters, Briley, Gentry, Tucker, Gilmore, Black, Nollner, Majors, Hall, Beehan, Campbell, Hart, Balthrop, Brown, Ponder, Derryberry, Stanley, Loring, McClendon, Greer, Hausser, Wallace, Haddox, Whitmore, Hand, Bogen, Summers, Shulman, Arriola, Sontany, Alexander, Holloway, Kerstetter, Knoch, Jenkins, Turner, Williams, Lineweaver (39); "Noes" (0).
An ordinance accepting certain right-of-way from Gateway Southeast Properties, Inc., for a relocated drainage easement and abandoning certain right-of-way across existing drainage easement to Gateway Southeast Properties, Inc. The bill was approved by the Planning Commission, Public Works and Planning, Zoning and Historical Committees. Mr. Jenkins moved to pass the bill on third reading, which motion was seconded and adopted by the following vote: "Ayes" Ferrell, Waters, Gentry, Tucker, Gilmore, Black, Nollner, Majors, Hall, Beehan, Campbell, Hart, Balthrop, Brown, Ponder, Derryberry, Stanley, Loring, Greer, Hausser, Wallace, Haddox, Whitmore, Bogen, Summers, Shulman, Arriola, Sontany, Holloway, Kerstetter, Knoch, Jenkins, Turner, Lineweaver (34); "Noes" (0); "Abstaining" Williams, McClendon, Hand, Alexander (4).
Upon motion duly seconded, the meeting was adjourned.