An ordinance authorizing The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County to abandon approximately 82 linear feet of existing eight inch sanitary sewer main and 1,341 linear feet of six inch sewer force main, the existing Farmingham Woods Pumping Station, and easements, and to accept the following sanitary sewer mains: 213 linear feet of 15 inch DIP, 1,414 linear feet of 15 inch PVC, 82 linear feet of 12 inch DIP, 20 linear feet of 12 inch PVC, and 39 linear feet of eight inch PVC for property located at Tulip Grove Road (unnumbered), (MWS Project No. 15-SL-184 and Proposal No. 2015M-046ES-001).

WHEREAS, the abandonment of approximately 82 linear feet of existing eight inch sewer main and 1,341 linear feet of six inch sewer force main, the existing Farmingham Woods Pumping Station, and easements, and the acceptance of the following sanitary sewer mains: 213 linear feet of 15 inch DIP, 1,414 linear feet of 15 inch PVC, 82 linear feet of 12 inch DIP, 20 linear feet of 12 inch PVC, and 39 linear feet of eight inch PVC for property located at Tulip Grove Road (unnumbered) is needed to construct MWS Project No. 15-SL-184; and,

WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Planning Commission approved mandatory referral No. 2015M-046ES-001 on August 28, 2015, for the abandonment and acceptance of said sewer mains and easements.


Section 1. The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County is authorized to abandon approximately 82 linear feet of existing eight inch sanitary sewer main and 1,341 linear feet of six inch sewer force main, the existing Farmingham Woods Pumping Station, and easements, and to accept the following sanitary sewer mains: 213 linear feet of 15 inch DIP, 1,414 linear feet of 15 inch PVC, 82 linear feet of 12 inch DIP, 20 linear feet of 12 inch PVC, and 39 linear feet of eight inch PVC for property located at Tulip Grove Road (unnumbered) as shown below and on Exhibit 1, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference:

                        Map & Parcel:                                     Address:

                       106-05 Parcels 40-45                           0 Tulip Grove Road

Section 2. The Directors of Water and Sewerage Services and Public Property Administration are authorized to execute such documents as may be necessary and appropriate to carry out the abandonment and acceptance authorized by this ordinance.

Section 3. Amendments to this legislation shall be approved by resolution.

Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its final passage, the welfare of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.

Sponsored by: Steve Glover

View Exhibit


Introduced: October 6, 2015
Passed First Reading: October 6, 2015
Referred to: Planning Commission - Approved
Public Works Committee
Planning & Zoning Committee
Passed Second Reading: October 20, 2015
Passed Third Reading: November 3, 2015
Approved: November 5, 2015
By: Mayor's signature

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