A resolution appropriating a total of $1,000,000 from the Community Partnership Fund Account of the General Fund of the General Services District to various nonprofit organizations selected to receive community partnership grant funds.

WHEREAS, as a part of the operating budget for fiscal year 2018 adopted by Substitute Ordinance No. BL2017-722, the Metropolitan Council appropriated $1,000,000 to the Community Partnership Grant Fund; and,

WHEREAS, Section 7-3-314 of the Tennessee Code Annotated states that metropolitan forms of government may provide financial assistance to nonprofit organizations in accordance with the guidelines of the Metropolitan Government; and,

WHEREAS, Section 5.04.070 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws provides that the Council may, by Resolution, appropriate funds for the financial aid of nonprofit organizations; and,

WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Government, through the Division of Grants Coordination and the Mayor’s Office, extended contracts to disburse these funds to nonprofit organizations that were FY17 Community Enhancement Fund recipients; and,

WHEREAS, pursuant to the criteria set by the Mayor’s Office and Metro Finance, the Mayor has accepted the recommendations that the appropriated funds be distributed to twenty-seven (27) specific nonprofit organizations; and,

WHEREAS, it is to the benefit of the citizens of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County that these funds be appropriated to these twenty-seven (27) nonprofit organizations.


Section 1.        There is hereby appropriated One million dollars ($1,000,000) from the Community Partnership Fund Account (Account No. 01101696) of the General Fund of the General Services District to fund grants to twenty-seven (27) nonprofit organizations as follows:

Domestic Violence Category

$169,000 to Legal Aid Society of Middle Tennessee and the Cumberlands for legal services and court advocacy

$64,200 to Morning Star Sanctuary, Inc. for shelter/support services, counseling and legal assistance

$30,600 to Tennessee Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence for legal advocacy and representation for immigrant Domestic Violence victims

$31,100 to The Mary Parrish Center for extended shelter/transitional housing, advocacy and counseling.                                                                                                                                                                           1

Education and After School Category


$29,900 to Boys & Girls Club of Middle Tennessee for afterschool and summer enrichment tutorial assistance

$44,900 to Hearing Bridges for afterschool and/or summer enrichment tutorial assistance for hearing impaired students

$45,000 to Martha O'Bryan Center, Inc. for afterschool enrichment programs

$26,500 to Monroe Harding, Inc. for afterschool and summer programs

$34,900 to Oasis Center, Inc. for afterschool and summer programs

$6,100 to Preston Taylor Ministries, Inc. for afterschool programs with emphasis on reading

$27,100 to Salama Urban Ministries, Inc. for afterschool programs   

$31,900 Vanderbilt University Medical Center (School of Nursing) for afterschool programs

$8,700 to Conexion Americas to provide middle school Latino students a structured out-of-school program to promote students success

$30,600 to Fannie Battle Day Home for Children to provide before and afterschool and summer enrichment tutorial assistance

$28,800 to Backfield in Motion to provide year-round out-of-school academic enhancement, life skills fitness/recreational program

Misc Community Agencies/Services Category

$8,400 to Family and Children’s Service for emergency financial support for housing, utilities, food and transportation

$14,300 to Oasis Church for food bags to families of elementary school students

$47,500 to Nashville CARES for case management in conjunction with housing/financial assistance for persons with HIV/AIDS  

$42,800 to NeedLink Nashville for emergency financial assistance with rent and utilities

$42,000 to United Way, Inc. for low income families to receive emergency financial assistance for housing and/or utilities

$25,700 to Southern Word to teach skills in spoken word poetry to prevent violence


Contribute Literacy


$16,200 to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Middle Tennessee for reading/language art skills

$46,200 to Teach For America, Inc. to provide English Language Learning literacy program

$53,700 to Nashville Adult Literacy Council, Inc. for reading and English skills to US-born and immigrant adults

$54,000 to Nashville International Center for Empowerment for adult English proficiency and GED-preparation programs

$23,700 to St. Luke’s Community House, Inc. for school-age reading skills and “intergenerational” literacy.  

$16,200 to STARS Nashville for educational support to increase fluency in sign language for Deaf or hard-of-hearing students.  

Section 2.        The Metropolitan Government is hereby authorized to enter into grant contracts with the nonprofit organizations listed in Section 1  above for the amount provided herein for the purposes stated. Such contracts shall specify the terms and conditions under which the grant funds are to be spent.

Section 3.        That this Resolution shall take effect from and after its adoption, the welfare of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it. 

Sponsored by: Tanaka Vercher


Referred to: Budget & Finance Committee
Introduced: October 17, 2017
Adopted: October 17, 2017
Approved: October 19, 2017
By: Mayor's signature

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