A resolution honoring the life of the Most Reverend David R. Choby, the 11th Bishop of the Diocese of Nashville.

WHEREAS, on June 3, 2017, Nashville and Davidson County lost one of its most beloved, endearing and respected faith leaders upon the passing of the Most Reverend David R. Choby, the 11th Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Nashville; and

WHEREAS, Bishop Choby was a thoughtful leader and mentor to virtually everyone in the Nashville Catholic community and to all people in need, providing selfless guidance, inspiration, and spiritual solace to thousands throughout a life devoted to religious service; and

WHEREAS, Bishop Choby was born in Nashville in 1947 -- the son of Raymond and Rita Choby, both deceased. He was baptized in the Cathedral of Incarnation where – 59 years later -- he would be ordained as bishop. He attended Catholic schools growing up, graduating from Father Ryan High School in 1965; and

WHEREAS, after spending one year at Aquinas College in Nashville, he entered the seminary at St. Ambrose College in Davenport, Iowa. He later studied at Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. before his ordination as a priest on Sept. 6, 1974 at St. Henry Church in Nashville; and

WHEREAS, Bishop Choby served a number of assignments in the Diocese of Nashville. He was associate pastor at St. Joseph Parish in Madison, administrator of St. Ann Parish, and he spent three years in residence at Christ the King Parish while working at the diocesan tribunal. From 1989 until his ordination as bishop, he served as pastor of St. John Vianney Parish in Gallatin, where was active in the community and in the local ministerial association; and

WHEREAS, Bishop Choby held a Canon Law degree from the University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome and worked at the diocesan tribunal throughout most of his priesthood. He was on the faculty of The Pontifical College Josephinum, a seminary in Columbus, Ohio from 1984 and 1989. He served on the seminary’s board and also served on the diocese’s Presbyteral Council and College of Consultors; and

WHEREAS, Bishop Choby was elected as diocesan administrator for the Diocese of Nashville by the diocesan College of Consultors in 2004. Fourteen months later, he was installed as the 11th bishop of Nashville on Feb. 27, 2006. He was only the second priest of the Nashville diocese’s 169-year history to become its bishop; and

WHEREAS, to those who knew him, Bishop Choby was a source of wise counsel, a warm smile, a deep, soft, reassuring voice, and constant encouragement. He was an outstanding leader of Nashville’s Catholic community, a dedicated advocate for Catholic education, and a constant example of living a life of Christian service; and

WHEREAS, it is fitting and proper that the Metropolitan Council remember and honor the life of the Most Reverend David R. Choby, and express its sincere condolences to his family, his parishioners, and to all who loved him.


Section 1. The Metropolitan County Council hereby goes on record as honoring the life of Most Reverend David R. Choby.

Section 2. The Metropolitan Council Office is directed to prepare a copy of this Resolution to the sole surviving member of Bishop Choby’s family -- his only sibling, Diane C. Dyche of Fort Worth, Texas.

Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect from and after its adoption, the welfare of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.

Sponsored by: Bob Mendes, Kathleen Murphy, Nick Leonardo, Jeff Syracuse


Referred to: Rules, Confirmations, and Public Elections Committee
Introduced: June 6, 2017
Adopted: June 6, 2017
Returned unsigned by the Mayor: June 7, 2017

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