A resolution expressing the Metropolitan Council’s encouragement and support for the Native American Indian Association Circle of Life Indian Center.

WHEREAS, the Native American Indian Association (NAIA) has been a successful non-profit provider of social, supportive, educational and cultural revitalization services for the Indian population of our city and county since 1982, and it is the only organization with an all Indian Board of Directors seeking to build an Indian Center in Davidson County. NAIA also provides educational, historical and cultural services for the population at large in Nashville and Davidson County, including the annual NAIA Pow-Wow attended by up to 20,000 people each year; and

WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has supported the Circle of Life Indian Center with a grant of $500,000. In addition, the NAIA has received numerous grants to provide services from HUD, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the U.S. Department of Energy, the Administration for Native Americans, the Tennessee Arts Commission, the Appalachian Regional Commission, the Tennessee Committee for the Humanities, and Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., as well as many other federal, state and local agencies and local businesses and foundations; and NAIA has a demonstrated track record of effective financial management of these grants; and

WHEREAS, there are no Indian reservations in the state of Tennessee, but the city of Nashville and Davidson County is the home of thousands of persons of Native American heritage and, ever since the tragic Trail of Tears in 1838 which traveled directly through Davidson County, neither the city nor the state has recognized the Native American population of Tennessee with programs specifically designated for Native Americans; and

WHEREAS, NAIA is raising funding for the new construction of the Circle of Life Indian Center on land currently owned by NAIA with proper zoning for this project; and

WHEREAS, it is fitting an proper that the Metropolitan Council recognize, encourage and offer support for the development and construction of the Circle of Life Indian Center.


Section 1. That the Metropolitan Council hereby goes on record as supporting the efforts of the NAIA to provide services for the Native American and other populations in our area with the new construction of the Circle of Life Indian Center.

Section 2. That the Metropolitan Council hereby further goes on record as recognizing the value and benefits of the Circle of Life Indian Center and expressing its encouragement and support for the development and construction of this Center.

Section 3. That this Resolution shall take effect from and after its adoption, the welfare of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.

Sponsored by: Fabian Bedne


Referred to: Rules, Confirmations, and Public Elections Committee
Introduced: May 16, 2017
Adopted: May 16, 2017
Returned unsigned by the Mayor: May 17, 2017

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