A resolution requesting the Metropolitan Transit Authority to provide at least ten percent (10%) of its advertising space from its unsold advertising inventory to other Metropolitan departments, boards and commissions to provide public service advertisements regarding local government services.

WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Transit Authority has the power and authority pursuant to the Metropolitan Charter for the complete operation of the public transportation system in Nashville and Davidson County; and

WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Transit Authority is governed by the MTA Board of Directors, which is responsible for the general supervision of the transit system in Nashville; and

WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Transit Authority provides advertising space on the exterior and interior of its buses, as well on over 650 bus benches throughout the Nashville Metropolitan area, that is easily viewable by bus riders and the public at large; and

WHEREAS, governmental agencies, including the Metropolitan Transit Authority, should make every effort to provide for public service information and inform the public as to the availability of local government services; and

WHEREAS, in furtherance of this goal, it is fitting and proper that the Metropolitan Transit Authority make available at least ten percent (10%) of its advertising space to Metropolitan departments, boards and commissions to allow those entities to advertise their public services, announcements and other information for the benefit of the public.


Section 1. The Metropolitan County Council hereby goes on record as requesting the Metropolitan Transit Authority to make available at least ten percent (10%) of its advertising space on buses, shelters, benches and terminal facilities from its unsold advertising inventory to Metropolitan departments, boards and commissions at no charge to allow those entities to advertise their public services, announcements and other information for the benefit of the public.

Section 2. The Metropolitan County Council hereby further goes on record as requesting that the Metropolitan Transit Authority make such advertising space available on an “as available” basis, and pursuant to the Authority’s other advertising policies, until such time as the Authority’s obligations under current third-party agreements with advertising contractors are expired, whereupon the Authority will require a minimum set-aside of ten percent (10%) of advertising space for Metropolitan Government departments, boards and commissions.

Section 3. The Metropolitan County Council hereby further goes on record as requesting that the Metropolitan Transit Authority produce a report annually documenting (a) the entities that used this service; (b) the nature of their campaigns (i.e., what was advertised); (c) the duration of the campaign; (d) the inventory used; and (e) the dollar value of the advertising space provided.

Section 2. 4. The Metropolitan Clerk is directed to send a copy of this Resolution by U.S. mail or electronic mail to each member of the Metropolitan Transit Authority Board of Directors and to Steve Bland, the MTA Chief Executive Officer.

Section 3. 5. That the Metropolitan Transit Authority is further requested to respond to the Council as to the feasibility of and/or action taken in compliance with the request stated in Sections 1-3 hereof not later than sixty (60) days from the adoption of this Resolution.

Section 4. 6. This Resolution shall take effect from and after its adoption, the welfare of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.

Sponsored by: Fabian Bedne, Tanaka Vercher


Referred to: Traffic, Parking & Transportation Committee
Introduced: May 2, 2017
Deferred: May 2, 2017
Substitute Introduced: May 16, 2017
Adopted: May 16, 2017
Returned unsigned by the Mayor: May 17, 2017

Requests for ADA accommodation should be directed to the Metropolitan Clerk at 615/862-6770.