A resolution approving the plan for the reappraisal and equalization of assessments in Davidson County as submitted by the Metropolitan Assessor of Property, approving a Memorandum of Understanding between the Metropolitan Assessor of Property and the Tennessee Division of Property Assessments for the responsibilities of parties involved in the 2021 Year Reappraisal Program for Davidson County, and approving receipt of state funds, if provided, to assist in the cost of the reappraisal.

WHEREAS, Tennessee Code Annotated § 67-5-1601 requires that a reappraisal of all real property and an equalization of assessments be completed in every county in Tennessee every six (6) years; and,

WHEREAS, Tennessee Code Annotated § 67-5-1601 allows a reappraisal every four (4) years as determined by the Assessor of Property with the review of the local governing body; and,

WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Assessor of Property has determined that it is in the best interest of the Metropolitan Government for reappraisal to be accomplished in Davidson County on a four (4) year cycle comprised of a visual inspection of each parcel of property over a three-year period followed by a revaluation of all such property in the year following completion of the visual inspection cycle, and,

WHEREAS, in accordance with Tennessee Code Annotated § 67-5-1601, the Assessor of Property for the Metropolitan Government has prepared a plan for carrying out the county's reappraisal and equalization program (a copy of which is attached hereto) which must be submitted for review and approval by resolution of the county legislative body and the Metropolitan Mayor, pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated § 67-5-1601(d); and,

WHEREAS, Tennessee Code Annotated § 12-9-104 requires a political subdivision of the state to approve by resolution an agreement of joint or cooperative action with another public agency of the state; and,

WHEREAS, the Tennessee Division of Property Assessments has provided a Memorandum of Understanding to the Metropolitan Assessor of Property for the purpose of clarifying the areas of responsibility for all parties involved in the 2021 Year Reappraisal Program for Davidson County; and,

WHEREAS, Tennessee Code Annotated § 67-5-160l(c) requires the State of Tennessee, subject to funding, to assist local governments in the cost of the reappraisal program; and,

WHEREAS, Tennessee Code Annotated § 67-5-160l(c) requires that any funds received from the State be expended solely for the purpose of assisting in the cost of the reappraisal; and,

WHEREAS, pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated § 67-5-160l(c), if funded, the amount to be received annually from the State shall be paid on a per parcel basis.


Section 1. That the plan for the reappraisal and equalization of assessments in Davidson County, as submitted by the Assessor of Property, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A, is approved.

Section 2. That the Metropolitan Government shall accept all funds tendered by the State pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated§ 67-5-160l(c) to assist the Metropolitan Government in the cost of the reappraisal program. Such funds shall be expended by the Metropolitan Government solely for the purpose of assisting in the cost of the reappraisal.

Section 3. That the Metropolitan Assessor of Property and the Mayor are authorized to execute the 2021 Year Reappraisal Program Memorandum of Understanding attached hereto as Exhibit B.

Section 4. This resolution shall take effect from and after its adoption, the welfare of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.

Sponsored by: John Cooper

View Exhibit


Referred to: Budget & Finance Committee
Introduced: May 2, 2017
Adopted: May 2, 2017
Approved: May 8, 2017
By: Mayor's signature

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