A resolution requesting that the Metropolitan Department of Codes Administration seek diverse candidates that are inclusive and representative of Nashville’s local demographics and languages when filling existing vacancies and adding additional personnel to enforce property standards.

WHEREAS, The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County is a rapidly growing community with a diverse population; and

WHEREAS, The Metropolitan Government of Nashville strives to reflect the diversity and demographics of the city of Nashville in its hiring procedures by engaging best practice equity and inclusion techniques; and

WHEREAS, by hiring and maintaining a diverse staff, the Metropolitan Department of Codes can more efficiently and expediently address the needs of a diverse population, ultimately resulting in greater efficiencies and savings for all citizens of Nashville; and

WHEREAS, Amended Executive Order No. 026 states: “Although significant progress has been made toward ensuring that the government’s workforce reflects Nashville’s rich diversity, additional efforts are needed to continue the momentum that has been created”; and

WHEREAS, on December 20, 2016 the Metropolitan Council received a report from Fiscal Choice Consulting (“the Consultant”) which confirmed chronic and significant vacancies among staff positions and recommending that the Department promptly fill all vacancies and add more positions; and

WHEREAS, in filling these vacancies and in hiring additional personnel, the Metropolitan Department of Codes Administration should seek diverse candidates that are inclusive and truly representative of Nashville’s local demographics and languages, thereby increasing the ultimate efficiency of the department; and

WHEREAS, a Metro General Government Quarterly Demographic report released January 1, 2017 states that the Codes Administration Department consists of 85.86% Caucasian employees, yet Davidson County’s population consists of 60.5% Caucasian, 28.4% African-American, and 10% Hispanic according to 2010 United States Census data; and

WHEREAS, the Department of Codes Administration will ultimately be better served by a diverse workforce that can more efficiently serve an ethnically, culturally and linguistically diverse community.


Section 1. That the members of the Metropolitan Council hereby request that the Metropolitan Department of Codes Administration, while in the course of filling existing vacancies and adding additional personnel as recommended by Fiscal Choice Consulting, do so in a manner that seeks personnel who are ethnically, demographically and linguistically diverse so as to more efficiently serve all citizens of Nashville.

Section 2. That the Metropolitan Clerk is requested to deliver a copy of this Resolution to the Director of the Metropolitan Department of Codes Administration.

Section 3. That this Resolution shall take effect from and after its adoption, the welfare of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.

Sponsored by: Fabian Bedne, Karen Johnson, Mina Johnson


Referred to: Codes, Fair, and Farmer's Market Committee 
Introduced: March 7, 2017
Deferred: March 7, 2017
Adopted: March 21, 2017
Returned unsigned by the Mayor: March 22, 2017

Requests for ADA accommodation should be directed to the Metropolitan Clerk at 615/862-6770.