A resolution requesting that the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department inform the Metropolitan Council whether they agree or disagree with research findings in a recent report from Gideon’s Army regarding MNPD traffic stop statistics in Nashville, and to further provide any other statistics or information necessary to refute, confirm, or add context to this report.

WHEREAS, on October 25, 2016, a report entitled Driving While Black – A Report on Racial Profiling in Metro Nashville Police Department Traffic Stops, (the “Report”) was released by Gideon's Army in collaboration with Nashville Community Organizations & Leaders. The Report is posted online at:; and

WHEREAS, the Report states that data from the Metro Nashville Police Department traffic stop database "...shows that 'driving while black' constitutes a unique series of risks, vulnerabilities, and dangers at the hands of the Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD) that white drivers do not experience in the same way" and "...shows that MNPD’s traffic stop practices impose a severe disparate or discriminatory impact on the predominantly black and low-income communities that MNPD’s traffic stop and search regime disproportionately targets"; and

WHEREAS, the report states that it is based, in part, on "MNPD’s 252 traffic stop database for years 2011-2015" and "additional data and documents from MNPD"; and

WHEREAS, these are serious claims that should be addressed thoroughly; and

WHEREAS, the Metro Nashville Police Department should and must have the opportunity to respond to the data presented and the claims made in the Report, as well as to provide any additional data or information necessary to add appropriate context.


Section 1. The Metro Nashville Police Department is hereby requested to inform the Metropolitan Council whether they agree or disagree with the research findings in the Report, specifically in regard to the accuracy of the data and maps presented in Appendix 1 and 2 of the Report , and to the extent any data or map is deemed inaccurate, to identify the nature and extent of the inaccuracies.

Section 2. The Metro Nashville Police Department is further requested to provide any additional data, statistics, or other information it concludes is necessary to provide context for the data and claims made in the Report.

Section 3. The Metro Nashville Police Department is requested to provide the information requested in this Resolution within ninety (90) days after passage of this Resolution.

Section 4. The Metropolitan Clerk is directed to submit a copy of this Resolution to Chief Steve Anderson of the Metro Nashville Police Department.

Sponsored by: Bob Mendes, Erica Gilmore, Freddie O'Connell, Fabian Bedne, Jim Shulman, Nick Leonardo, Angie Henderson, Mina Johnson, Dave Rosenberg, Colby Sledge, Mike Freeman, Kevin Rhoten, Sharon Hurt, John Cooper, Tanaka Vercher, Scott Davis, Karen Johnson, Ed Kindall, Jeremy Elrod, Brenda Haywood, Decosta Hastings, Mary Carolyn Roberts, Anthony Davis


Referred to: Public Safety, Beer, and Regulated Beverages Committee
Introduced: November 15, 2016
Deferred: November 15, 2016
Deferred to March 7, 2017: December 6, 2016
Adopted: March 7, 2017 - Roll Call Vote
Returned unsigned by the Mayor: March 8, 2017

Requests for ADA accommodation should be directed to the Metropolitan Clerk at 615/862-6770.