A resolution confirming the appointment of Nick Leonardo as the Metropolitan County Council representative to the Quality Assurance Committee for the Bordeaux Long Term Care facility as operated by LP North Nashville, LLC, a subsidiary of Signature Healthcare, LLC.

WHEREAS, on October 18, 2016, the Metropolitan Council enacted Ordinance No. BL2016-422, approving an agreement between The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County and LP North Nashville, LLC for the continued lease of real property located at 1414 County Hospital Road and transfer of operations of the Bordeaux Long Term Care facility (“the facility”); and

WHEREAS, on October 18, 2016, shortly prior to final passage of BL2016-422, members of the Metropolitan Council received correspondence from Anthony Mays, CEO of Signature Healthcare, LLC expressly confirming that during the term of the new lease of the facility, (1) LP North Nashville, LLC, a subsidiary of Signature Healthcare, LLC, will invite a Metropolitan Council member to serve on the Quality Assurance Committee of the facility; and (2) the Metro Government may engage an independent third party to conduct periodic inspections of the facility to ensure improvements to quality resident care; and

WHEREAS, in furtherance of these objectives, it is in the best interests of the citizens of Nashville and Davidson County that the Metropolitan Council formalize the appointment of a Metropolitan Council representative to the Quality Assurance Committee of the Bordeaux Long Term Care facility, designate the appointee, and further specify the expectations of this appointment as they apply to LP North Nashville, LLC; and

WHEREAS, Metro Council member Nick Leonardo serves as the representative of District 1 of the Metropolitan Council where the Bordeaux Long Term Care facility is located, and has demonstrated compassion and concern for the well-being of the residents of the facility, and should therefore serve as it’s Quality Assurance Committee representative until such time as he requests to be relieved of such appointment or the Metropolitan Council appoints a successor representative.


Section 1. That the Metropolitan Council hereby appoints Metro Council member Nick Leonardo to serve upon the Quality Assurance Committee of the Bordeaux Long Term Care facility until such time as the Metropolitan Council shall appoint a successor representative or until such time as the Council member requests to be relieved of such appointment, whereupon he shall advise the Health, Hospitals and Social Services committee of the Metropolitan Council of such request.

Section 2. That the Metropolitan Council’s expectation of the Council representative is that he/she actively participate in the business of the Quality Assurance Committee, submit regular reports to members of the Metropolitan Council whose districts are most heavily served by the facility regarding the quality of patient care, and provide the Health, Hospitals and Social Services committee with any other updates deemed appropriate by the Quality Assurance Committee.

Section 3. That the Metropolitan Council’s expectation of LP North Nashville, LLC includes full participation in the business of the Quality Assurance Committee; improvements to the current ratings for the Bordeaux Long Term Care facility’s quality care score from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; and the disclosure to the Committee of all significant developments regarding the improvement or deterioration of the quality of care provided to residents of the Bordeaux Long Term Care facility, including any and all non-confidential reports prepared internally or by any third party or agency regarding the quality of care.

Section 4. That the Quality Assurance Committee, through its Metropolitan Council representative, will provide continuing updates and information to the Health, Hospitals and Social Services committee of the Metropolitan Council regarding improvements to, or deterioration of, the quality of care provided to residents of the Bordeaux Long Term Care facility.

Sponsored by: Erica Gilmore, Bob Mendes


Referred to: Health, Hospitals and Social Services Committee  
Introduced: November 1, 2016
Adopted: November 1, 2016
Approved: November 2, 2016
By: Mayor's signature

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