A Resolution requesting the Mayor’s Office of Economic Opportunity and Empowerment to work with the Metropolitan Council’s Ad Hoc Affordable Housing Committee to develop and implement a comprehensive plan to address the issue of housing affordability in Nashville and Davidson County.

WHEREAS, the Community Needs Evaluation of Metro Nashville’s Social Service Department indicates that poverty has grown in Metro Nashville Davidson County to 20% in 2014; and

WHEREAS, an estimated 2,000 persons are experiencing chronic homelessness in Metro Nashville Davidson County; and

WHEREAS, the 2010 US Census found that more than 58,000 renters in Nashville-Davidson County pay more than 30% of their household income for housing and are considered to be housing cost-burdened; and

WHEREAS, the local economy continues to grow and expand in the aftermath of the recession, but housing costs continue to be a major barrier to economic progress for many in Nashville; and

WHEREAS, monthly rent for apartments in Nashville has risen 75% from 2000 to 2010 while vacancy rates have decreased 20% over the same time period; and

WHEREAS, the policy of Housing First has been shown to provide a path out of homelessness and dependency for many individuals, but there is an inadequate supply of housing to meet the demand at the lowest income levels; and

WHEREAS, increasing the supply of modestly priced housing supports economic growth and is an important tool in reducing poverty, maintaining a local workforce in Davidson County, and remaining competitive in a regional market; and

WHEREAS, for local economies, housing that is affordable can help create jobs, attract new employers and a skilled workforce, and lower the risks of delinquency and foreclosure, which reduces costs to local governments, and housing can be a source of economic stability for individuals and families; and

WHEREAS, older models of building affordable housing in outlying areas where land is naturally inexpensive have led to concentration of poverty and increasing transportation costs and traffic congestion; and

WHEREAS, the current building boom has led to gentrification of formerly affordable neighborhoods and displacement of long term residents; and

WHEREAS, Metro Nashville Davidson County’s General Plan, developed through the NashvilleNext process, includes housing goals of (a) maintaining economic and social diversity through housing choices that are affordable, available, and accessible to all new and existing Nashvillians; (b) reducing the negative effects of gentrification in Nashville’s growing residential market; and (c) ensuring that both renters and owners of all incomes take part in and benefit from neighborhood improvements; and

WHEREAS, the problems of housing affordability are complex and will require multiple solutions implemented by various agencies, organizations, Metro Departments, businesses, and groups; and

WHEREAS, the work of NashvilleNext, the Metro Planning Department, the Metropolitan Development and Housing Association, the Mayor’s Office of Economic Opportunity and Empowerment, the housing advocacy community, and numerous non-profit groups and for-profit builders has provided much information regarding both the problems associated with insufficient housing affordability and many potential solutions.


SECTION 1. That the Metropolitan Council requests the Mayor’s Office, through its Office of Economic Opportunity and Empowerment, work with the Metropolitan Council’s Ad Hoc Affordable Housing Committee to develop a comprehensive Housing Action plan to address the issue of housing affordability in Nashville.

SECTION 2. That the Mayor’s Office of Economic Opportunity and Empowerment serve as the coordinating entity of the various housing plans and recommendations and provide accountability that these plans are accomplishing intended goals; and that the Housing Action Plan build upon the research and policy recommendations outlined in the following:

a. NashvilleNext chapter on housing;
b. Equitable Development report;
c. the Housing Policy and Inclusionary Zoning Feasibility Study;
d. 2013-2018 Consolidated Plan of Nashville & Davidson County (administered by MDHA); and
e. the Mayor’s Housing Priorities and Action Plan.

SECTION 3. That the Housing Action Plan should include the following components:

a. Identifies the needs and gaps of affordable and workforce housing in Nashville’s neighborhoods;
b. lists potential solutions to fund, build, preserve, and retain affordable and workforce housing in an equitable development approach with access to transportation routes, schools, and employment centers;
c. assigns responsibility to the appropriate agency, organization, or department;
d. provides measureable goals and metrics with regard to production of affordable and workforce housing units;
e. coordinates infrastructure investment with housing developments; and
f. sets up a timetable for regular re-evaluation of the stated goals.

SECTION 4. That the Mayor’s Office of Economic Opportunity and Empowerment lead outreach efforts toward the various stakeholders and the greater community, including developers, nonprofits, advocates and community leaders, for input and guidance.

SECTION 5. That the Mayor’s Office report information to the Metropolitan Council’s Ad Hoc Affordable Housing Committee quarterly and report on the Mayor’s Housing Priorities and Action Plan annually.

Section 6. That this resolution shall be effective immediately upon its adoption, the public welfare requiring it.

Sponsored by: Burkley Allen, Mina Johnson


Referred to: Ad-Hoc Affordable Housing Committee
Planning, Zoning, & Historical Committee
Introduced: July 19, 2016
Adopted: July 19, 2016
Returned unsigned by the Mayor: July 20, 2016

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