A resolution approving the First Amendment to the lease agreement between The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, acting by and through the Metropolitan Social Services Department/Metropolitan Homelessness Commission, and City Road Chapel United Methodist Church for the use of additional office space (Proposal No. 2016M-009PR-001).

WHEREAS, City Road Chapel United Methodist Church owns certain real property located at 701 Gallatin Road South, Nashville, Tennessee; and,

WHEREAS, The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County (“Metro”) and City Road United Methodist Church (“Lessor”) are parties to the Lease dated March 1, 2016, as authorized by BL2016-181 and more fully described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (the “Lease”); and,

WHEREAS, Section 1.a of said Lease states that Metro will lease 1,200 rentable square feet of space in the Building consisting of the following components: (a) 880 rentable square feet on the 3rd floor of the Lessor’s Community Resource Center and (b) two offices adjacent to this space that total 320 rentable square feet; and,

WHEREAS, Section 2 of said Lease states that Metro will pay five dollars per square foot of rentable space; and,

WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend said Lease by changing the language of Section 1.a of the lease to state that Metro will lease from Lessor 1,650 rentable square feet of space in the building consisting of the following components: (a) 1,330 rentable square feet on the 3rd floor of the Lessor’s Community Resource Center and (b) two offices adjacent to this space that total 320 rentable square feet; and,

WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend said lease by changing the language of Section 2 of the lease to state that Metro shall pay to Lessor on or before the first day of each month during the Term in twelve (12) equal monthly installments, without demand, $800; and,

WHEREAS, BL2016-181 states that any amendments to this Lease Agreement shall be approved by resolution of the Metropolitan Council receiving twenty one affirmative votes; and,

WHEREAS, it is to the benefit of the citizens of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County that amendment one be accepted.


Section 1. That this First Amendment to the Lease entered into between The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, acting by and through the Metropolitan Social Services Department/Metropolitan Homelessness Commission, and City Road Chapel United Methodist Church, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein, is hereby approved, and the Director of Public Property is authorized to execute the same.

Section 2. This resolution shall take effect from and after its passage, the welfare of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.

Sponsored by: Bill Pridemore, Erica Gilmore, Burkley Allen, Anthony Davis

If you would like a copy of the attachment to any ordinance or resolution, please email your request to the Metro Clerk's Office at

Amendment No. 1
Resolution No. RS2016-311

Mr. President:

I move to amend Ordinance No. RS2016-311 as follows:

1. The mandatory referral number in the caption of the Resolution be deleted and substituted with the following mandatory referral number 2016M-009PR-002.

Sponsored by: Bill Pridemore


Referred to: Planning Commission - Approved
Budget & Finance Committee
Health, Hospitals and Social Services Committee
Planning, Zoning, & Historical Committee
Introduced: July 19, 2016
Amended: July 19, 2016
Adopted: July 19, 2016
Approved: July 20, 2016
By: Mayor's signature

Requests for ADA accommodation should be directed to the Metropolitan Clerk at 615/862-6770.