A resolution declaring surplus and approving the transfer of real property to the Barnes Fund Affordable Housing Program (Proposal Nos. 2015M-034PR-001 and 2016M-016PR-001), authorizing the grant of real property to certain nonprofit organizations, and authorizing grants not exceeding $416,250 from the Barnes Fund for Affordable Housing to certain nonprofit organizations selected for the express purpose of constructing affordable or workforce housing.

WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Government owns certain parcels of property identified as Exhibits A through L (the “Properties”), as shown in Section 1 below; and,

WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Government has determined that these Properties are to be transferred to the Barnes Fund Affordable Housing Program in accordance with section 2.24.250 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws; and,

WHEREAS, Section 7-3-314(e) of the Tennessee Code Annotated (the “Act”) permits a metropolitan government by resolution of its governing body to authorize the conveyance of the real property acquired pursuant to a delinquent tax sale by grant to a nonprofit organization; and,

WHEREAS, the Act requires that no property may be granted prior to the expiration of the statutory redemption period; and,

WHEREAS, the Act requires that all such property be used to construct affordable and workforce housing for residents of Davidson County; and,

WHEREAS, on June 3, 2015, the Metropolitan Housing Trust Fund Commission in conjunction with the Metropolitan Development and Housing Agency issued a request for application to qualified nonprofit organizations to participate in the nonprofit housing development grant program; and,

WHEREAS, three nonprofit organizations have been selected to receive a grant conveying twelve parcels as shown on the Attached Exhibits A through L; and,

WHEREAS, the requirements of Section 7-3-314(e) of the Act have been met as to the Properties; and,

WHEREAS, the grant process has conformed to the requirements of Tennessee law; and,

WHEREAS, Section 7-3-314 of the Tennessee Code Annotated states that metropolitan forms of government may provide financial assistance to a nonprofit organization in accordance with the guidelines of the Metropolitan Government; and,

WHEREAS, Section 5.04.070 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws provides that the Metropolitan Council may by Resolution appropriate funds for the financial aid of nonprofit organizations; and,

WHEREAS, pursuant to the regulations and procedures of the Metropolitan Housing Trust Fund Commission, the Metropolitan Housing Trust Fund has accepted the recommendations of the Barnes Fund Review Panel that the appropriated funds be distributed to the nonprofit organizations: Affordable Housing Resources, New Level Community Development Corporation, and Woodbine Community Organization; and,

WHEREAS, it is to the benefit of the citizens of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County that this grant contract be approved.


Section 1. The Metropolitan Council declares the following parcels of land, owned in fee simple by the Metropolitan Government, and described in Exhibits A through L attached hereto and incorporated herein, to be surplus.

Map-Parcel No.    Address / Location  Lot Dimensions Council District Exhibit

059-05-0 016.00          4905 Vistaview Drive              85 x 169          01              A
081-03-0 136.00          2409 Middle Street                 50 x 135          02              B
072-14-0 112.00          2410 Chapel Avenue              28 x 161          07              C
105-03-0 315.00          9 Trimble Street                    50 x 160          17              D 
081-11-0 189.00          1632 Dr. D.B. Todd Jr Blvd     52 x 200            21              E
092-09-0 008.00          621 39th Avenue North           56 x 242          21              F
092-10-0 168.00          520 31st Avenue North           57 x 196          21              G
081-02-0 059.00          2206 24th Avenue North         50 x 150          02              H                                    
105-04-0 166.00          41 North Hill Street                 40 x 150          17              I   
049-00-0 254.00          3443 Knight Drive                   50 x 260          03              J
081-03-0 055.00          1405 Kellow Street                 50 x 175          02              K
081-03-0 393.00          1407 Kellow Street                 50 x 175          02              L

Section 2. The Director of Public Property is hereby authorized and directed to transfer the Properties to the Metropolitan Housing Trust Fund Commission in accordance with section 2.24.250 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws for the Barnes Fund Affordable Housing Program.

Section 3. The Metropolitan Government is hereby authorized to convey the following properties to the respective nonprofit organizations:

Affordable Housing Resources
2410 Chapel Avenue, 37206
2206 24th Avenue N, 37208
41 North Hill Street, 37210
3443 Knight Drive, 37189
1405 Kellow Street, 37208
1407 Kellow Street, 37208

Woodbine Community Organization
4905 Vistaview Drive, 37218
621 39th Avenue N, 37209
520 31st Avenue N, 37209

New Level Community Development Corporation
9 Trimble Street, 37210
2409 Middle Street, 37208
1632 Dr. D.B. Todd Jr. Blvd., 37208

Section 4. The Metropolitan Housing Trust Fund Commission is hereby authorized to enter into a grant contract with the nonprofit organizations listed in Section 3 above for the express purpose of constructing affordable and workforce housing on such grant properties the terms and conditions of which is attached hereto as Exhibits M through O and incorporated herein. Such grant contracts shall specify the terms and conditions under which the conveyance is to be made including a deed restriction, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit P and incorporated herein, requiring the property to be used exclusively for construction of affordable and workforce housing for residents of Davidson County as those terms may be defined in Tennessee Code Annotated § 5-9-113.

Section 5. In the event said property is not utilized by the Barnes Fund Affordable Housing Program after five (5) years from the date of passage of this resolution, the property shall revert back to the Division of Public Property unless otherwise previously conveyed.

Section 6. There is hereby appropriated $416,250.00 from the Barnes Fund for Affordable Housing to fund grants to three nonprofit organizations as follows:

$60,000.00 to Affordable Housing Resources;

$251,250.00 to New Level Community Development Corporation; and

$105,000.00 to Woodbine Community Organization.

Section 7. The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County is hereby authorized to enter into a grant contract with the nonprofit organizations listed in
Section 6 above for the grant amounts designated therein, subject to the terms and conditions under which the grant funds are to be spent, attached hereto as Exhibit Q through S and incorporated herein.

Section 8. This Resolution shall take effect from and after its adoption, the welfare of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.

Sponsored by: Bill Pridemore, Burkley Allen, Ed Kindall, Sharon Hurt, Brenda Haywood

If you would like a copy of the attachment to any ordinance or resolution, please email your request to the Metro Clerk's Office at


Referred to: Planning Commission - Approved
Budget & Finance Committee
Planning, Zoning, & Historical Committee
Introduced: July 5, 2016
Adopted: July 5, 2016
Approved: July 6, 2016
By: Mayor's signature

Requests for ADA accommodation should be directed to the Metropolitan Clerk at 615/862-6770.