A resolution approving two Intergovernmental Agreements by and between the State of Tennessee, Department of Transportation, and The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, acting by and through its Department of Public Works, for the reimbursement of two railroad crossing safety improvements at McGavock Pike (04510), Railroad Crossing number #350221S, State Project No: 19960-2544-94, Federal Project No: HSIP-R-4510(10), PIN Number 120254.00.

WHEREAS, the State of Tennessee, Department of Transportation (“TDOT”) has programmed safety funds for the improvement of various railroad crossings throughout Davidson County; and

WHEREAS, TDOT has directed The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County (“Metro”), acting by and through its Department of Public Works, to construct the Railroad Crossing Approaches Project at McGavock Pike (04510), Railroad Crossing number #350221S, State Project No: 19960-2544-94, Federal Project No: HSIP-R-4510(10), PIN Number 120254.00; and,

WHEREAS, The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County agrees to cooperate with TDOT as described in said agreements, attached hereto as Exhibit A and Exhibit B, and incorporated by reference, so that said construction can occur; and,

WHEREAS, the project estimate for the construction and installation of signal equipment is $21,470.57; and,

WHEREAS, the project estimate for the construction of approximately 75 feet of 6 foot wide sidewalk on the south side of the crossing is $4,600.00 in which the total cost is to be split 10% Metro, or $460.00, and 90% for TDOT, or $4140.00; and,

WHEREAS, Metro is eligible for 100% reimbursement for the Railroad Crossing Approaches Project under CFR, Subparts 1401 and 646B; and

WHEREAS, Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 12-9-104(a)(2)(b), authorizes The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County to approve an agreement with TDOT by resolution; and,

WHEREAS, it is in the interest of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County that this construction be carried out.


Section 1. That the Agreements with TDOT, attached hereto as Exhibit A and Exhibit B, and incorporated herein by reference for railroad crossing safety improvements at McGavock Pike (04510), Railroad Crossing number #350221S, State Project No: 19960-2544-94, Federal Project No: HSIP-R-4510(10), PIN Number 120254.00, are hereby approved, and that the Metropolitan Mayor is authorized to execute the same.

Section 2. That this resolution shall take effect from and after its final passage, the welfare of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.

Sponsored by: Anthony Davis, Bill Pridemore, Jeremy Elrod

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Referred to: Budget & Finance Committee
Public Works Committee
Introduced: May 3, 2016
Adopted: May 3, 2016
Approved: May 4, 2016
By: Mayor's signature

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