A resolution expressing the Metropolitan Council’s support for the Dam Safety Act, styled SB 2357 / HB 2292, currently pending before the Tennessee General Assembly, and requesting that the Davidson County Delegation support state legislation which limits rock quarry operations within certain proximities to dams.

WHEREAS, the maintenance and safekeeping of dams upon Tennessee waterways is crucial to the safety and welfare of thousands of Davidson County residents whose lives and property would be threatened in the event of catastrophic failure; and

WHEREAS, for these reasons, Tennessee Code Annotated, title 59; Title 69, Chapter 11, and Title 60, Chapter 3 establish various limitations upon the issuance of permits for activities conducted in the vicinity of dams; and

WHEREAS, the Tennessee General Assembly currently has before it legislation known as the Dam Safety Act, styled SB 2357 / HB 2292, sponsored by Sen. Steve Dickerson and Rep. Bill Beck, which would amend Tennessee Code Annotated 59-8-205(a) by adding a new subdivision stating as follows: “The commissioner shall not issue any permit in relation to the operation of a rock quarry on any land that is located within a one (1) mile radius of any dam that is operated by the United States army corps of engineers.”; and

WHEREAS, rock quarry operations can pose significant threats to the stability and maintenance of dams if not held at a proper distance therefrom; and

WHEREAS, it is reasonable and proper that this Metropolitan Council urge support of the Dam Safety Act, SB 2357 / HB 2292, and any other legislation which establishes reasonable dam safety precautions.


Section 1. That the Metropolitan County Council hereby goes on record as supporting the state legislation proposed under the Dam Safety Act, SB 2357 / HB 2292, pending before the Tennessee General Assembly.

Section 2. The Metropolitan County Council further requests that the Davidson County Delegation to the Tennessee General Assembly support the Dam Safety Act, SB 2357 / HB 2292, and any such legislation that further ensures the safety and reliability of dams in Davidson County.

Section 3. The Metropolitan Clerk is directed to send a copy of this Resolution to each member of the Davidson County Delegation to the Tennessee General Assembly.

Section 4. That this Resolution shall take effect from and after its adoption, the welfare of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.

Sponsored by: Larry Hagar, Freddie O'Connell, Erica Gilmore, Bob Mendes, Kevin Rhoten, Michael Freeman, Colby Sledge, Burkley Allen, Russ Pulley, Tanaka Vercher, Fabian Bedne, Jacobia Dowell, Brenda Haywood, Angie Henderson, Samuel Coleman, DeCosta Hastings, Steve Glover, John Cooper, Doug Pardue, Bill Pridemore, Mina Johnson, Dave Rosenberg, Davette Blalock, Nancy VanReece, Anthony Davis, Brett Withers, Scott Davis, Robert Swope, Holly Huezo, Karen Johnson, Jason Potts, Edward Kindall, Mary Carolyn Roberts, Sharon Hurt, Jim Shulman, Jeff Syracuse, Jeremy Elrod


Introduced: March 1, 2016
Adopted: March 1, 2016
Returned unsigned by the Mayor: March 2, 2016

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