A resolution requesting that the appropriate Metropolitan Departments review the possibility of turning vacant Metro-owned buildings into affordable housing in the Davidson County area.

WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Government is currently in possession of a variety of vacant buildings that are no longer in use by the government; and

WHEREAS, these vacant buildings do not provide any real benefit standing empty unless there exists a plan to actually utilize the structures at some future date; and

WHEREAS, the City of Nashville, dealing with intensive development and construction, is finding itself with the problem that such development is driving the cost of housing up and causing Nashvillians to have serious issues regarding affordable housing; and

WHEREAS, even with all the efforts to encourage private developers to build affordable housing units, the City finds itself with the problem that there is simply not enough affordable housing; and

WHEREAS, if the City continues at this pace, there is the distinct possibility that more and more of our citizens and families will be forced to move out of the County to find housing that they can afford; and

WHEREAS, if the City of Nashville can utilize some of its vacant facilities and then, through the use of grant opportunities or other financial means, such as the Barnes Fund, can turn these vacant facilities into multi-housing units that are and will remain affordable since they belong to the City; and

WHEREAS, the Mayor's Office has already started this process by recommending that vacant lots be transferred over to not-for-profits to construct affordable housing;


Section 1. That the Metropolitan County Council hereby goes on record as requesting that the appropriate Departments who have an interest in the vacant buildings currently owned by the Metropolitan Government, including, but not limited to, the department of general services, the department of public works, and the department of codes administration, meet and review the possibilities of utilizing the vacant buildings for use in affordable housing projects in Nashville.

Section 2. That the departments engaged in the review report back to the members of the Metropolitan Council no later than April 30, 2016, of the status, conditions, and locations--by district--of the vacant properties owned by the Metropolitan Government, and that such report also include how long those buildings have been vacant.

Section 3. That the departments engaged in the review required by this Resolution report back to the members of the Metropolitan Council no later than August 31, 2016 of the results of the review of this Resolution.

Section 4. That the Metropolitan Clerk is directed to send a copy of this Resolution to the Mayor's Office, the department of general services, the department of public works, and the department of codes administration.

Section 5. That this Resolution shall take effect from and after its adoption, the welfare of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.

Sponsored by: Jim Shulman


Referred to: Rules & Confirmations Committee
Introduced: March 1, 2016
Adopted: March 1, 2016
Approved: March 2, 2016
By: Mayor's signature

Requests for ADA accommodation should be directed to the Metropolitan Clerk at 615/862-6770.