A resolution approving the election of certain Notaries Public for Davidson County.
WHEREAS, Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 8-16-101, provides that the members of the county legislative body shall elect as many notaries public for their county as they may deem necessary; and
WHEREAS, the Metropolitan County Council has determined that it is necessary for the election of additional notaries public for Davidson County.
SECTION 1. That those persons named on the list attached hereto as “Exhibit A”, and incorporated by reference the same as if copied in full herein, are hereby elected as Notaries Public for Davidson County.
SECTION 2. That this Resolution shall take effect from and after its adoption, the welfare of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.
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Adair Julie A Adams Julie E. Adams Peggy M Adams Zenoch G. Adams Mary R. Adkisson Rodrigo Aguilar Judy A. Alexander Darryl E. Allen Marlese T. Allen Shannon L. Allen Sherri D. Allen Phil Altice Hudson F Alvares Cathy Anderson Karen Anderson Michelle L. Anderson Tonya H. Anglea J. Arbuckle Fannie M. Armstrong Mary F. Atcheson Lin C. Atkinson Michele H. Atwell Dwan D. Avent Deborah A. Baker Rhonda J. Baker Lisette Balducci J. P. Barfield Lindsey Barnes Steven W. Barnhill Le'Kesia N. Barton Davin Bartosch John T Basford Karolyn K. Bates Emily A Beals Thomasa' E. Bean Howard Behrens Judy Bennett M B Bennett Raymond G. Benson W. L. Berkley Mathieu R. Berman Brittany A. Bernal Alisa Sherro n Berry Jaurice B Berry Darlene Best Rachel Bishop J. A. Bizwell Rebecca L Blackburn Donna Kalino wski Blackwell J. Edward Blaisdell Peggy M. Blanton Tajah Bohannon Cynthia Bohn Sandra Bolden Virginia M. Boles Carla Elaine Boone Christine V. Bornand Ligia G Botts Marcia P. Bouchillon Anita V. Bourne Catherine M. Bowers Nora Faye Bowers Shannon L. Bowles Rebecca Bradley Kristin E. Brasfield Gina Brewer Sandra Britten John M. Brittingham Muchon R Broadnax Cheryl C. Broadrick Byrettia L Broady Teressa D. Broander Suzanne B. Brock Ashley S. Brown Gayle P. Brown Jim C. Brown Karen H Brown Nancy C. Brown Elizabeth M. Browning Lois Helms Bruce Bobbie A. Brummett Myra S. Bryant Angelo D. Brys Susan Marie Burdorf Nancy J. Burgess Kimberley Burley Roosevelt Burrell Laura B. Busby Iris Rivers Bush A. K. Butner Rebecca R. Byler Peggy Byrd William Kyle Byrd S. Byrne Nancy Caban Jodi Calaway Sharon Hanley Calhoun Rosemary Calloway Christina Campbell James A. Campbell Davis H. Carr Torrado O'Bria n Carter Stephanie T Casey Mary Jane Cassidy J. E. Castro Ana Laura Cerda Hope M. Chambers William O. Chambers William T. Chapman, IV Dena C. Cheatham Denty Cheatham Kevin M. Cheatham Rebecca W. Clairday Lynn D. Clapp Julie A. Claprood Donna M. Clark Fredrick E. Clemmons Beverly Cole Greg M Coleman Rodger G. Coleman Loretta Collier Lisa L. Collins Melanie J. Collins Sonja Colquitt J. Michae l Combs Jolynn Compton Sheryl Comstock Dotty L. Connell Kelly K. Coyle Jada R. Craft Richard Crane Maria X Cravens Jacklin Nicole Crawford Matthew Crawford Kimethy D. Crick Ansley Crouch Annette Crumpler Calvin K. Curd Miriam R. Currie Bonnie J. Curry Dick Curry Tiwanna Curry Angela Curtis Demetruis Curtis Cynthia A Custer Dianne Hines Dalton Lynda D. Daniel Alexander Davidoff Elizabeth K. Davidson B. J. Davis L. T. Davis, Jr. Arcana P. Dedman Justin Dee Penny Demaree Angela Denamur John W. DeGraphenreed Cynthia C. DeMarcus Betsy L. DeShano Lewis Dixon Patricia A. Dixon Valmar Domingues Wagma Dorani Dale Dorman Dan Downey Tywaska Driver Beth Dudney Terri W Dunham Inger J Dunn Suzanne J. Dunn Hamidullah Durani Rita A. DuMont Benita Egan Naveh Eldar Christa Elliott Rachel Elliott Jason M. Elrod Mary V. Erickson Angela Estill Gail S. Evans Heather K. Evans Karen Faehr S. Fenton Bettie G. Ferguson Judith E. Filler Rhonda Finchum Sonia Yvette Fitzgerald-Cooper Kenneth Fitzpatrick Veronica Fleming Megan E Flowers Darryl A Floyd Chris Folad Lisa Ford Reuben G. Ford Dana Igleha rt Formosa Helen Stroth er Fouche Ruth M Fox Kimberly A Franklin Christina Fraser Oliver Wade Freely Betty C Freeman Amery Fridenstine Jack Friedman Denise Full Artie Fuller Danna B. Fuqua Cynthia Y. Galbreath Rozhan Galnasky Pam Gardiner Demie Garrett Gail J. Garrett Judy F Garrett Nina J. Garrett Damoon Ghasemnezhad Julia Gildemeister Carol H Gipson Judith A. Glasser Kelley L. Goc Mary E. Goforth Sandra Golden-Woods Aundrea L. Goodwin Randall E. Gordon Tara L. Gough Amy Adams Gowan Lisa D. Gragg Ashley J. Graham John M. Green Vanya H Greer Mary M Gregor Harold G. Griffin Paula A Griffin Danielle Griggs Melodi L. Grisham Tina Marie Guarachi Ann M. Guest Jodi Gumucio Rebecca B Gunn M. Eugene Haffner Pamela G. Haley Julie Philli ps Hall Sharone K. Hall |
Hamlin Susan M. Hanley Mary Jo Harlan Michelle Harper Teresa A. Harris Darlene G Harris-Vasser Alberta T. Harrison Melanie Hart Jennifer L. Hartman Robyn S Haskins Brian M. Haslett Kimberly Hawkins Misty D. Hawkins Patricia L Hayden Barbara Haynes George T. Haynes Susan L Heinrich Amanda Henderson Michelle Y. Hendrix Melanie Herring Carmiel Herron Russell H. Hess Jacquelyn L. Hester Patricia Hicks Rose M. Higgins Carol B. High Anna France s Hill Victoria A. Hill Michelle E.C. Hinson Carolyn J. Hobson Jody Marion Hodges H. Riley Holliday Melissa Mondel li Holmes Phillip E. Holmes, Jr. Maude Robins on Hopkins Doris M. Hopper Susanne E. Hopper Marilyn A. Horton Alisa Howard Dottie Howe Ted L. Hubbard Karen D. Huff Frieda A. Huffman Kasey A. Huggins Patricia A. Hunter Gwen Huskey Patricia M. Hylton Tammy Ingram Judy Ivey Pat Jackson Tracey Jackson Barbara Jackson-McGowen Jeffrey W. Jacobs Julie E. James June James Rolaunda P. James Jodee D. Jenkins Zynthia F. Jetton Laurie Jock Carol B. Johnson Erica Johnson Gail Johnson Kari R. Johnson Sharon D. Johnson Shawn M. Johnson Stephanie D. Johnson Betty J. Jones Brandon S Jones Javonna Jones Lisa R. Jones Richard A. Jones Summer M. Jones Thaddeus Vontre ll Jones Debra J. Jordan Paul S Joseph Julie M. Justice Pamela Kaleel Mina Kashani Margo R. Keahey Kristi L. Keith Khristal Kelley Tom Kellogg Lucille Kerr Yelena Khegay Billy R. King Glenda M. King Valerie B. King Faye Kirby Alan P Kirkwood Donald E. Kniffen Shari L Knight Jeffrey C. Kovalski Jennifer Kreuzer Nikki S. Kurgan Alyce Dobyns Ladd Hagan Lamar Mary E. Lamb Jamie L Lane Lesley Lane Stuart Lang Chelsea Lapham Tonya R Lawhorn Susan Lawicki Angie L. Lawless Tina Lazenby Coretta Leander David Lee K. Christ ine Lee Pamela Lee Seung U. Lee Monterey D. Lee, Sr Janell E. Lees Tiffany Lemons Karla Lessley Janice A. Letson Richard A. Lewis, II Adrian L LeMaster Liz Limon Jennefer Lindsey Paula R Lipford Lisa Lucas Littlejohn Samuel K. Locke Beverly S Lockett Richard Louis Lockett Kamilia L Lockhart Shirley Lopehandia Saeid Lotfi Allison B. Lott Alfredo Louis Robert E. Love, Jr. Crystal A Lowe William T. Luckett Scott J. Lynn Rosemary N. Maguire Steven D. Mahler Brandi Norred Maiorino Cindy Maniscalco Debria D Manning James P. Manning E. Mannix L. Gino Marchetti, Jr. Angela M. Marks Ellis H. Marshall, III Steven Thomas Martin Joan Mason Pamela E. Mason Meldene J. Mather Tracie S. Mathews Farhad S. Matin Antranette Matthews Karen S. May Valerie Mayfield Shirley A. Mayton A. McAbee Rhonda L. McBride Jean E. McCasland Emily J McClendon Jennifer McCord Maria D McCormick Patricia A. McCoy Allen McCroskey Suzanne G. McDaniel J. Scott McFarlin Debra J. McGee William P. McGowan Laura McIntyre Brenda L. McKee Michele McKee Priscilla Ann McKeehan Crystal L. McKissack Frances Elaine McLemore John C. McLemore Melissa McMillan Tracy D. McMurtry Mack McReynolds Bridgette Meacham Melissa Ann Medina Jacqueline Meneese Theresa Meneese Shane Merrill-Facio Roy A. Miles, Jr. J. Brando n Miller Carla Mills Sharron Minnich Mary L. Mitchell Trulla L. Mitchell Steven A. Mock Brianne M. Montgomery Paulaette Moody Michael Mooney Amanda Mooneyham Kimberly R. Mooneyham Alisa T Moore Gwen Moore Amanda W. Morales Mary Kathry n Moran Christine P. Morgan John W. Morgan Kathleen G. Morris LeighAnn Morris Landen Mitche ll Morrison Marla Sue Morton Bethany S. Moseley Joel H. Moseley, Sr. Brittney Mosley Phillip Mosley Virginia Moss Dorothy Mothershed Sharon F. Muller Angelique Mullins Charlotte Murphy Deborah R. Murphy Patti L. Myers Shannon Myers Merry Beth Myrick Monica Lynett e Nash Roberta Nash John Neely Peggy D. Neighbours Dawn Marie Nepp Marelle Newman Tina M. Newman Paul Ney Kerryn Nicholls Shauna Nicholls Elizabeth A. Nimnicht Julita E. Noguera Ron Nollner Patricia Norman Rebecca Jean Norris Joy Novak Maura A. Nurse Jan O'Brien Jennifer O'Dell Cathy M. O'Guin Kelly Oakley Mary I. Obersteadt Heather Odom Karen B Olayinka Angelo Sean Orlando Aaron L. Osborne |
M. Osborne Falecher Outen Deon Devall Owensby Colleen S. Papp Brandy Lee Park Patricia A. Parnell Ollie Mai Parsley Theresa W. Parsley Madaleva M. Partenope Kecha Partinyer Dwight Pate Wiley S. Patton William Doak Patton Holly Paul Joyce Payne Robert Payne Bernadine W. Peaks P Pearce Stephanie Pearce Marjorie L. Pelland Larry Pennington Kindra A. Perrigo Zana C. Petty April Phelps Josh Phillips Kimberly Dawn Phillips W. Thomas Phillips Debra Diane Piper Brandy K. Pirk Milton Pirtle Jessica Poirier Linda J. Polk Kristie Porter Linda M. Porter Melissa Porter Stacy L. Post Stephanie Powers Roger D Preston Rebecca D. Price Elizabeth B. Primm Paula R. Proctor Denine J. Puch Sheila D. Rainey Heather Rak Joe Ravenell Kristi Ray Steven Keith Ray Christina M. Read Rachel Renfro Martha L. Reyes-Rodriguez J. Allen Reynolds, III Kay N. Rice Karolyn Richards Weldon D. Rickman Heather Dawn Rife Alicia M. Riggans Eva L. Roark Jana A. Roberts Ruth Ann Roberts James D. R. Roberts, Jr. Amanda R Robertson Robert Robertson Eric J Robinson Glenda K. Robinson Peggy Sue Robinson John Rochford Connie Roland Mary A. Roland Lola Rooker Kate Rosenthal Michael H. Rowan Sherry M. Rowen Christine E. Royer Tiffany Rubin Patricia F. Ruffin Kimberly Sadler Lorie S. Sadler Robert L. Sanders Sarah M. Satterwhite D. Andrew Saulters Joan Marie Scarlett Marianne B. Schneider Frank V. Schriner Danielle M Schuler Shirley Scoggins Pamela Scott Rebecca R. Scott Sandra H. Scott Mary B. Sebes Kimberly D Sharp DeAnna Shaw Barbara L Shelton Sonya Shepard Marla Simmons Geraldine Simmons-Curry Donna Kay Simpson Kelly L. Sisco Anne Renee Sloan Timothy W Sloan Stephanie Smartt John R. Smiley Cheryl Smith Dawnelle B. Smith Jaime Smith Nina M. Smith Theresa L. Smith Jacob Snyder Jada L. Sorensen Julian Sotomayor Kyle J. Sowney Stephanie N. Spector Connella O. Spence May Spencer Vanessa J. Sponaugle Lydia Spragens Pam Spray Jessica Ann Stamps Leigh Ann Stancil Richard Steffee Jessica Steimle Deborah Stephens Rickey O. Stevenson Tom Steward Crystal Stewart Jessica Stewart Judith L. Stitt John W. Stone, III Lisa D. Strawn Rachael Strenz Rodger D. Stroud Kay P. Sullivan Terry Sullivan Diana Sulzur Jordan Surbaugh Melissa R. Surgener Jakira B Surles Tarun N. Surti Shawanna E. Swanson Sherry Swearengin Barbara Sweatt June Sykes Kay Sykes Kathleen M. Talley Alexys Tanguis Rick C Tanley Cherrie Tansil Jane T. Tarver Barbi Taylor Tamara K. Teague Kara Templeton Priscilla Templeton Becky Terry Johnetta M. Teter Jennifer Thompson Sally J Thompson Marcela Thornhill Steve David Thornton Jennifer Thurman Shelia K. Thurman Melissa Tiller Gregg B. Tinnell Douglas Toliver Glenda Toliver Kimberly Torp William M. Trimble Allen Troutt Brenda Tune Eric L. Turner Judy Turner Keith A. Turner Wesley D. Turner Carole Smith Tyus Curt Ullery Edwina C. Ulmer Pamela J Urfer Dalene Sommer Uthmann Richard D. Van Norman May N. Vance Eve VanDohlen Lavina L. Venable Nancy Colema n Vetter Jose Villarreal David Vincent John T. Vine, II Christine Vittetae Karen Vogel Lauren C. Votteler Lisa M. Vowell Sherryl L. Wade D.K. Wallin Michael J Walter Ragena F. Warden Tokesha L. Warner Krista L. Washburn Millicent D. S. Watkins Christine K. Watson Jocelyn W. Weatherby Sheryl A. Wehby Christen M. Welfel Dawn R Wells Betsy West John P West Beth Wheeler Lynn Whitaker April Dawn White Leah J. White Malinda White Pamela Whitecotton Gary W Whitehouse Michelle Widenhofer Larry Wilkes Melanie L. Wilkins Tracy D Wilkins Alanna Williams April D. Williams Faye T Williams Kevin S. Williams Kristy L. Williams Tabitha C. Williams Meredith L. Willis Susan Arnell Willis Chris J. Wilson Deborah Butler Wilson James R. Wilson Bonnie S. Winn Kimberly Wood Sarah S. Wood John L. Woodall Kelly Woods Mark Woodside Shaun Woodyard Micah Wooten Mitsy R. Worley Crystal D. Wyatt Catherine Wyatt-Morley Jack A Yankura Andrea H. Young Christine Youngblood-New Robbin Yount Jonathan T. Youse Connie Yunker |
Referred: | Rules & Confirmations Committee |
Introduced: | November 9, 2006 |
Adopted: | November 9, 2006 |
Approved: | November 10, 2006 |
By: | ![]() |