A resolution recognizing the Honorable Marietta Shipley on the occasion of her retirement from the Twentieth Judicial District, Second Circuit Court of Davidson County, Nashville, Tennessee.

WHEREAS, on August 31, 2006, Marietta Mundinger Shipley, a legal pioneer, advocate for dispute resolution, and promoter of women and children's causes, will retire having served with distinction and grace for 16 years on the Second Circuit bench; and

WHEREAS, Judge Shipley earned a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Arts in Teaching from the University of Kansas, and, while teaching German at Madison High School, earned a Doctorate of Jurisprudence from the Nashville School of Law, where she was a Member of the Cooper's Inn Honor Society and graduated with the highest honors; and

WHEREAS, Judge Shipley's impressive legal career spans over 29 years, beginning as the co-founder of the Child Support Division of the Davidson County District Attorney's Office from 1977 until 1980; and

WHEREAS, she was a founding partner of Shipley and Behm, the first all-women's law firm in Nashville from 1980 until 1988; and served as a partner of Dodson, Parker, Shipley and Behm from 1988 until 1990; and

WHEREAS, she was elected to preside over the Second Circuit Court of Davidson County in 1990, where she handled civil trials over a wide range of issues including family law, torts, complex litigation, and McDaniel v. CSX, which defined the use of experts in Tennessee; and

WHEREAS, her extensive involvement in the legal profession extends to a myriad of bar association memberships and activities including having been a Member of the American, Tennessee, and Nashville Bar Associations, a Member of the Harry Phillips American Inns of Court, Administrative Office of the Court Committee on Pro Se Litigants, Chair of the Tennessee Bar Association's Family Law Section, Co-Chair of the Ethics Committee of the Nashville Bar Association, and Co-Chair of the Domestic Relations Committee of the Nashville Bar Association; and

WHEREAS, Judge Shipley's dedication to making our community a better place extends to every area of her life, as she has been the recipient of the Nashville Bar Association Pro Bono Award and has served as Chair of the Nashville Bar Association Pro Bono Board; and

WHEREAS, her commitment to the advancement of women and children is reflected in her career choices and in her leadership, having been a teacher at Madison High School, a Founding Member and President of the Marion Griffin Lawyers Association for Women, President of the Tennessee Lawyers Association for Women, a Member of the National Association of Women Judges, a Charter Member of CABLE, and, always keeping a child's best interest at heart, helped author and promote the Parenting Plan; and

WHEREAS, her passion and commitment to alternative dispute resolution is evident in her participation and leadership in being a Member of the Tennessee Supreme Court Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee and Commission, a Member of the Task Force for Appellate Mediation for civil appeals, an Executive Board Member of the Academy of Family Mediators, Chair of the Judicial Conference Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee, and Chair of the Tennessee Bar Association Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee; and
WHEREAS, she has held a multitude of elected and appointed positions, including President of both the Nashville and Tennessee Women's Political Caucus and numerous positions with the Democratic party; and

WHEREAS, Judge Shipley has announced, upon her retirement, she plans to open a state-wide mediation firm with a network of mediators; and

WHEREAS, throughout her impressive career, Judge Shipley has exhibited true professionalism, holding to the highest ethical standards, and has earned her reputation both in the community at-large and amongst her legal colleagues as a judge who presides over her court with dignity, wisdom, and kindness; and

WHEREAS, it is fitting and proper that the Metropolitan Council recognizes Judge Marietta Shipley for her distinguished service and contributions to Davidson County, and extends its hopes for success in her future endeavors;


Section 1. The Metropolitan Council hereby goes on record as recognizing the Honorable Marietta Shipley of the Second Circuit Court of Davidson County, on the occasion of her retirement.

Section 2. The Metropolitan Clerks Office is directed to prepare a hand-lettered scroll to be presented to the Honorable Marietta Shipley upon her retirement.

Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect from and after its adoption, the welfare of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.

Sponsored by: David Briley, Amanda McClendon, Erik Cole, Parker Toler, Charlie Tygard, Sam Coleman, Jim Shulman, Greg Adkins, Randy Foster, Vivian Wilhoite, Edward Whitmore, Ludye Wallace, Billy Walls, Ronnie Greer, Harold White, Carl Burch, Mike Jameson, Carolyn Baldwin Tucker, Michael Craddock, Diane Neighbors, Buck Dozier, Jim Forkum, Jason Hart, Rip Ryman, Feller Brown, Ginger Hausser, John Summers


Referred: Rules & Confirmations Committee 
Introduced: July 6, 2006
Adopted: July 6, 2006
Approved: July 7, 2006