Section 11.410 of Article 11, Chapter 4 of the Charter of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County shall be amended, by amending Appendix Four relating to the metropolitan transit authority as follows:

1. By deleting paragraph 1.(a) from Article 64 in its entirety and substituting in lieu thereof the following new paragraph 1.(a):

“Effective July 1, 2004, there is hereby created and established an agency of the metropolitan government to be known as the metropolitan transit authority, sometimes hereinafter designated as transit authority. The transit authority shall be composed of seven (7) members, with one member to be appointed being a regular rider and one member to be appointed to represent the interests of persons with disabilities. All of said members shall have been residents of the metropolitan government area for at least three (3) years prior to their becoming members of the metropolitan transit authority. No person shall be eligible as a member of the metropolitan transit authority who holds any other elective or appointive public office or employment, or who is employed by or has financial interest in a transit company regulated by said transit authority of the metropolitan government.”

2. By deleting paragraph 1.(d) from Article 64 in its entirety and substituting in lieu thereof the following new paragraph 1.(d):

“Four (4) members of said transit authority shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The affirmative vote of a majority of a quorum shall be necessary to take any action or adopt any motion.”


Amendment No. ______

This amendment would increase the membership of the Metropolitan Transit Authority from the current five (5) members to seven (7) members with one member being a regular rider and one member representing the interests of persons with disabilities, and would increase the quorum required to conduct business by the authority from three (3) to four (4) members.

Sponsored by: Jim Shulman

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