A resolution endorsing the 2002 Update Plan for the North Nashville Community adopted by the Metropolitan Planning Commission on January 24, 2002.

Whereas, Section 18.02 of the Charter of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requires that zoning regulations be enacted by the Council "only on the basis of a comprehensive plan prepared by the
Metropolitan Planning Commission;" and

Whereas, the Metropolitan Planning Commission, in order to fulfill its duty to develop and maintain the General Plan to provide the basis for zoning decisions, has divided the County into fourteen subareas and developed specific plans for each such subarea; and

Whereas, the Plan for Subarea 8 encompasses the community traditionally known as "North Nashville;" and

Whereas, the Metropolitan Planning Commission appointed a Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) in February 2000 and directed its staff to work with the CAC to conduct public meetings and take such other steps deemed to the provide public input and review necessary to update the Subarea 8 Plan; and

Whereas, the CAC members were:

Dr. Janet S. Parham Councilmember Morris Haddox
Mr. Ernest Campbell Councilmember Morris Haddox
Ms. Maribeth J. Crutchfield Councilmember Edward Whitmore
Mr. J. Henry Sherrell Councilmember Ludye Wallace
Ms. Sharon Hurt Mayor's Office
Mr. Timothy Ayers Mayor's Office
Mr. Phillippe S. Hinds Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Randy Parham Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce
Mr. David Swett Jr. Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce
Ms. Cresa Bailey Neighborhood Alliance
Mr. Thomas Epperson Neighborhood Alliance
Mr. Stephen McRedmond Neighborhood Alliance
Mr. Barry L. Walker Metro Planning Commission
Mr. Leslie Davis Metro Planning Commission
Dr. Artmas L. Worthy Metro Planning Commission

Whereas, twenty CAC meetings, six workshops and seven neighborhood meetings were held between March 2000 and November 2001, at which community members worked extensively with Planning Department staff to develop their vision for the future of North Nashville; and

Whereas, in accordance with Section 11.504(j) of the Charter for the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, the Plan includes detailed design plans for three of the twenty-one neighborhoods that are the building blocks of the North Nashville community, and further such neighborhood plans will be adopted by the Planning Commission in the future; and

Whereas, the neighborhood plans that are part of the 2002 Update Plan for the North Nashville Community include significant design recommendations and other measures calculated to protect and enhance the character of the neighborhoods; and

Whereas, the 2002 Update Plan for the North Nashville Community was unanimously approved by the Metropolitan Planning Commission, following a public hearing, on January 24, 2002; and

Whereas, it is fitting and proper that the Metropolitan Council recognize and endorse the efforts of the Citizens Advisory Committee in developing the 2002 Update Plan for the North Nashville Community.


SECTION 1. The Metropolitan Council hereby goes on record as endorsing, affirming and supporting the Plan for the North Nashville Community, which was adopted by the Metropolitan Planning Commission on January 24, 2002.

SECTION 2. The Metropolitan Council further resolves to work with members of the North Nashville community and the Metropolitan Planning Commission to discuss, develop and enact measures that will contribute to the achievement of the Plan.

SECTION 3. This Resolution shall take effect from and after its adoption, the welfare of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.

Sponsored By: Morris Haddox, Edward Whitmore, John Summers, Leo Waters


Referred to: Planning & Zoning Committee
Introduced: April 2, 2002
Deferred: April 2, 2002
Deferred: April 16, 2002
Deferred: May 21, 2002