A resolution providing longevity pay to the beneficiaries of employees of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, including employees of the Board of Health when otherwise eligible employees die within the preceding fiscal year.
Whereas, the Council of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County adopted Resolution No. RS2001-642 on June 26, 2001 thereby establishing criteria for providing longevity pay for employees of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, including employees of the Board of Health, and establishing a longevity pay supplement for certain employees; and
Whereas, it is appropriate for beneficiaries of deceased employees, who would otherwise be eligible, to receive a longevity pay supplement.
Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Council of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County:
Section 1. That the following
language in section 11 of RS2001-642 be deleted:
Employees who, as of November 30 of any given year, have (1) retired, either
on a service or disability pension since the prior December 1, or (2) who are
on leave without pay on November 30, and any of which would otherwise been entitled
to longevity pay had they been on an active pay status as of November 30, shall
be entitled to a prorated payment from the prior December 1 to the day of separation.
and replaced with the following:
Employees who, as of November 30 of any given year, have (1) died since the
prior December 1, or (2) retired, either on a service or disability pension
since the prior December 1, or (3) who are on leave without pay on November
30, and any of which would otherwise been entitled to longevity pay had they
been on an active pay status as of November 30, shall be entitled to a prorated
payment from the prior December 1 to the day of separation.
Section 2. That this resolution shall apply to all longevity payments made after December 1, 2001.
Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect from and after it's passage, the welfare of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.
Sponsored By: Carolyn Baldwin Tucker, Jim Shulman
Referred to: | Budget
& Finance Committee Personnel Committee |
Introduced: | January 15, 2002 |
Adopted: | January 15, 2002 |
Approved: | January 16, 2002 |
By: | ![]() |