A resolution appropriating to certain accounts for the benefit of the Arena, Planning Commission, Medical Examiner, Justice Information Systems, County Clerk, Information Systems, Metro Action Commission, Register of Deeds, Law, Historical Commission, Finance, Elections Commissions, Public Works, Parks, Administration, and Juvenile Court Departments the amount of nine million one hundred and twenty three thousand and one hundred and seventy six dollars ($9,123,176) from designated fund balances and undesignated fund balances of the general fund of the General Services District, and increased revenue sources.
Whereas, the Metropolitan Council desires to appropriate to certain accounts for the benefit of the Arena, Planning Commission, Medical Examiner, Justice Information Systems, County Clerk, Information Systems, Metro Action Commission, Register of Deeds, Law, Historical Commission, Finance, Elections Commissions, Public Works, Parks, Administration, and Juvenile Court Departments the amount of nine million one hundred and twenty three thousand and one hundred and seventy six dollars ($9,123,176) from designated fund balances and undesignated fund balances of the general fund of the General Services District, and increased revenue sources.
Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Council of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County:
Section 1: That the following amounts are hereby appropriated from the undesignated fund balance of the General Fund of the General Services District:
Account Number | Account Description | Amount |
01101221.505320 | Arena Subsidy | $750,000 |
07102000.503700 | Planning Commission - Executive Office | 21,343 |
20102000.502221 | Medical Examiner | 163,000 |
29101000.501101 | Justice Information System | 26,467 |
29101000.501172 | Justice Information System | 2,025 |
29101000.501177 | Justice Information System | 1,508 |
18101000.507250 | County Clerk | 70,000 |
14101000.503100 | Information Systems - Government Access | 2,000 |
01101204.531400 | Metro Action Commission | 871,457 |
11101000.503850 | Historical Commission | 3,600 |
06101000.503330 | Law Department | 75,000 |
15114100.501101 | Finance Dept - ADA | 63,030 |
05102000.501101 | Election Commission - Permanent Registration | 100,000 |
05102000.501104 | Election Commission - Permanent Registration | 20,000 |
42113000.531120 | Public Works - Thermal Transfer to the Solid Disposal Fund | 4,006,259 |
01101217.531001 | ADM-Parks/Greenway Master Plan | 500,000 |
01101216.531001 | ADM-MIS Technology Plan | 500,000 |
01101214.531001 | ADM-Tom Joy Demolition | 200,000 |
01101215.531001 | ADM-MAC-Deferred Maintenance Assessment | 100,000 |
01101412.502231 | ADM-Post Audit | 249,570 |
40120100.507150 | Parks-Park Structure | 5,200 |
40121000.502912 | Parks-Park Structure | 3,112 |
40120100.502911 | Parks-Park Structure | 12,000 |
40120100.502911 | Parks-Park Structure | 7,098 |
40120100.502912 | Parks-Park Structure | 1,639 |
40130300.503860 | Parks-Park Structure | 3,997 |
40120100.502912 | Parks-Park Structure | 3,575 |
40120100.502912 | Parks-Park Structure | 5,225 |
40130400.503660 | Parks-Park Structure | 2,917 |
40130400.503600 | Parks-Park Structure | 919 |
40120100.502911 | Parks-Park Structure | 3,352 |
40130400.502911 | Parks-Park Structure | 21,000 |
40130400.503708 | Parks-Park Structure | 3,134 |
40130400.502911 | Parks-Park Structure | 3,787 |
40130400.502911 | Parks-Park Structure | 14,000 |
40120100.503600 | Parks-Park Structure | 2,164 |
40120100.502912 | Parks-Park Structure | 3,575 |
40120100.502911 | Parks-Park Structure | 739 |
40120100.502103 | Parks-Park Structure | 60,000 |
40130400.502103 | Parks-Special Revenue Producing | 60,000 |
10101.335000 | Total from undesignated fund balance - GSD General Fund | 7,942,692 |
Section 2: That the following amounts are hereby appropriated from the listed unbudgeted revenues in the General Fund of the General Services District:
Account Number | Account Description | Amount |
26103000.502201 | Juvenile Court - Detention | $ 364,000 |
26103000.404250 | Revenue Source: Juvenile Inmate Board | 364,000 |
Account Number | Account Description | Amount |
Parks and Recreation Expenditures: | ||
40120500.501101 | Parks & Recreation - After Hours Community | 34,720 |
40130300.501101 | Parks & Recreation - After Hours Events -Parthenon | 15,529 |
40120400.501101 | Parks & Recreation - After Hour Security - Parthenon | 3,738 |
40120400.501101 | Parks & Recreation - After Hour Security - Special Events | 23,950 |
40120200.501101 | Parks & Recreation - After Hour Maintenance - Special Events | 4,383 |
40130400.502331 | Parks & Recreation-Sportplex Instructors | 40,273 |
40130400.502331 | Parks & Recreation-Sportplex Instructors | 23,806 |
40120400.501101 | Parks & Recreation - Tennis Instructors | 2,893 |
40130400.501101 | Parks & Recreation - Tennis Instructors | 2,211 |
40130200.501101 | Parks & Recreation - Softball Officials | 1,416 |
40130300.501101 | Parks & Recreation - Cultural Recreation Classes | 20,239 |
40130300.502331 | Parks & Recreation - Cultural Recreation Classes | 27,441 |
40130400.503600 | Parks & Recreation - Riverskate | 24,675 |
40120200.503600 | Parks & Recreation - Riverskate Maintenance | 2,400 |
0130200.501101 | Parks & Recreation - Softball Officials | 21,810 |
Subtotal - Parks Expenditures | $249,484 | |
Parks & Recreation Revenue Sources: | ||
40130300.407910 | Parks & Recreation - After Hours Community | 34,720 |
40130300.407910 | Parks & Recreation - After Hours Events -Parthenon | 15,529 |
40120400.407910 | Parks & Recreation - After Hour Security - Parthenon | 3,738 |
40120400.407910 | Parks & Recreation - After Hour Security - Special Events | 23,950 |
40120200.407910 | Parks & Recreation-After Hour Maintenance - Special Events | 4,383 |
40130400.407801.SPPLEX | Parks & Recreation-Sportplex Instructors | 40,273 |
40130400.407803.TENNIS | Revenue Source: Parks & Recreation - Tennis Instructors | 2,893 |
40130400.407803.TENNIS | Parks & Recreation - Tennis Instructors | 2,211 |
40130200.407808.FIELD | Parks & Recreation - Softball Officials | 1,416 |
40130300.407807.GUEST | Parks & Recreation - Cultural Recreation Classes | 20,239 |
40130300.407807.GUEST | Parks & Recreation - Cultural Recreation Classes | 27,441 |
40130400.409300 | Parks & Recreation - Riverskate | 15,000 |
40120200.407801.SPPLEX | Parks & Recreation - Riverskate - Maintenance | 12,075 |
4013200.407803.USER | Parks & Recreation - Softball Officials | 21,810 |
40130400.407801.SPPLEX | Parks & Recreation - Tennis Instructors | 23,806 |
Subtotal - Parks Revenues |
$249,484 | |
Account Number | Account Description | Amount |
42700700.531120 | Public Works Solid Waste Disposal Fund | 4,006,259 |
42700700.431120 | Revenue Source: Solid Waste Transfer from GSD General Fund | 4,006,259 |
Section 3: That the following amount is hereby appropriated within the Register's Computer Fund from the undesignated fund balance therein:
Account Number | Account Description | Amount |
09702000.531500 | Register Computer - Transfer Debt Service | $567,000 |
30004.335000 | TOTAL funded from fund balance | $567,000 |
Section 4: That this resolution shall take effect from and after its adoption, the welfare of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.
Sponsored by: Howard Gentry
Referred to: | Budget & Finance Committee |
Introduced: | June 5, 2001 |
Adopted: | June 5, 2001 |
Approved: | June 7,2001 |
By: | ![]() |