A resolution appropriating Thirty-nine Thousand One Hundred Eighty-eight Dollars and Thirty-one Cents ($39,188.31) from certain private donations received by the Tornado Recovery Board to the nonprofit organization, Rediscover East! to assist in their program.

Whereas, the Metropolitan Social Services Commission has received certain private donations collected through the Tornado Recovery Board; and

Whereas, these donations were intended to aid in the tornado recovery efforts in the neighborhoods of East Nashville; and

Whereas, the Metropolitan Social Services Commission has $39,188.31 remaining from the private donations; and

Whereas, Rediscover East! is a nonprofit organization eligible to receive financial support from the Metropolitan Government pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated § 7-3-314; and

Whereas, Rediscover East! has filed a statement of the proposed use of the funds and the program that services the residents of the Metropolitan Government; and

Whereas, the mission and program of Rediscover East! is consistent with the purposes for which the tornado recovery donations were made; and

Whereas, Rediscover East! will execute a grant contract agreeing to use said funds in accordance with its mission and program; and

Whereas, the funds appropriated herein shall be used to promote the general welfare of the residents of the Metropolitan Government;

Now, therefore, be it resolved by The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County:

Section 1. That the sum of thirty-nine thousand one hundred eighty-eight dollars and thirty-one cents ($39,188.31) is hereby appropriated from the tornado recovery donations to fund a grant to Rediscover East! for the purpose of providing a portion of the funding for its programs.

Section 2. The Metropolitan Government is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with Rediscover East! for the amount provided herein for the purposes stated, and the Metropolitan Mayor is hereby authorized to execute said contract. Such contract shall specify the terms and conditions under which the grant funds are to be spent and shall contain a requirement that the grantee shall file with the Director of Finance and with the Metropolitan Clerk a copy of an annual report of its business affairs and transactions and documents detailing the actual expenditures of the funds provided herein.
Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect from and after its adoption, the welfare of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.

Sponsored By: Eileen Beehan, Howard Gentry



Referred to: Budget & Finance Committee
Introduced: April 3, 2001
Adopted: April 3, 2001
Approved: April 4, 2001