ADOPTED 06/15/1999
A resolution amending a contract between The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County and the State of Tennessee, Department of Transportation for CM/M-9312(29) Signal System Upgrade for the Metropolitan Nashville Area.
Whereas, pursuant to Resolution R94-1221, the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County and the State of Tennessee, Department of Transportation, entered into Contract No. 375 providing for management, funding and related matters Project CM/N-9312(29) Signal System Upgrade for the Metropolitan Nashville Area; and
Whereas, Ordinance No. O76-242 authorizes the metropolitan Mayor to execute Agreements necessary to implement the Federal-Aid System improvements; and
Whereas, Ordinance No. O76-242 also requires that the Federal-Aid system contract be ratified by Resolution of the Metropolitan Government; and
Whereas, the parties wish to amend Contract No. 375 to revise the funding percentage of Contract No. 375.
Whereas, it is the desire of the Metropolitan Government and the State of Tennessee to amend Contract No. 375 to reflect this change in funding.
Now therefore, be it resolved by the Council of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County:
Section 1. The amendment submitted by the State of Tennessee, Department of Transportation to reflect a change in funding is hereby accepted by the Metropolitan Government. The said proposal is attached hereto and made a part thereof the same as though copied herein.
Section 2. That this Resolution shall take effect from and after its adoption, the welfare of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.
Sponsored By: Don Majors
Referred to: | Budget
& Finance Committee Public Works Committee |
Introduced: | June 15, 1999 |
Adopted: | June 15, 1999 |
Approved: | June 21, 1999 |
By: | ![]() |