ADOPTED 05/18/1999
A resolution expanding scope of the Bicycle, Pedestrian and Traffic Calming Advisory Committee to include the study of and recommendation for the regulation of all sidewalk obstructions.
Whereas, newspapers, magazines, ads and pamphlet racks, utility poles, fire hydrants, signal control boxes and any other obstructions in the public sidewalks in Davidson county are proliferating and are frequently positioned in a manner that impedes the flow of pedestrian traffic; and
Whereas, the flow of traffic on streets and sidewalks in Davidson County is a vital concern to the Metropolitan Council; and
Whereas it is fitting and proper that the Bicycle, Pedestrian and Traffic Calming Advisory Committee ("Advisory Committee") study obstructions in the public right-of-way and recommend to the Metropolitan Council regulations to be adopted by the Metropolitan Council.
Now therefore, be it resolved by the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County:
Section 1. The Metropolitan Council hereby requests that the Advisory Committee undertake a study of the Metropolitan Code relative to pedestrian traffic and the placement of newspapers, magazines, ads and pamphlet racks, utility poles, fire hydrants, signal control boxes, and other obstructions in the public right of way. As part of this study, the Advisory Committee shall request input from all interested groups including groups on behalf of pedestrians, cyclists, newspapers, and advertisers, downtown business owners and persons in the newspaper, magazine, pamphlet and other publications businesses. The Advisory Committee shall also request input from Public Works, Nashville Electric Service, Metropolitan Water and Sewer, Planning Commission, Department of Law, Traffic and Parking Commission and Nashville Gas. The Advisory Committee shall review the Metropolitan Code and the information submitted by the various groups and departments.
Section 2. After the review is complete the Advisory Committee may present the Metropolitan Council with several options drafted in the form of legislation. The legislation may recommend a plan that accommodates the placement of certain items in the public right of way in a manner that permits the efficient and safe flow of bicycle and pedestrian traffic.
Section 3. This resolution shall take effect from and after its adoption, the welfare of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.
Sponsored By: David Kleinfelter
Referred to: | Traffic & Parking Committee |
Introduced: | May 18, 1999 |
Adopted: | May 18, 1999 |
Approved: | May 24, 1999 |
By: | ![]() |