ADOPTED 04/06/1999


A resolution endorsing the goal of providing every Nashvillian the opportunity to live in safe, affordable housing by the year 2010.

WHEREAS, housing is one of our most fundamental needs as human beings; and

WHEREAS, an estimated 20,000 households in Davidson County face severe housing cost burdens, paying over half of their household income for housing; and

WHEREAS, affordable housing is typically defined as an amount less than thirty percent of a household’s monthly income; and

WHEREAS, stable housing costs of thirty percent of monthly income or less permit low income families to purchase other necessities or to invest in a better future through education or job training; and

WHEREAS, approximately 24,000 housing units were classified as substandard in the last study of Nashville’s housing stock; and

WHEREAS, substandard housing units are more likely to cause health and safety hazards for their occupants and neighbors; and

WHEREAS, approximately 10,000 families in Nashville who could qualify to purchase their own home cannot do so because they cannot make the down payment; and

WHEREAS, in 1970, 60% of families in Davidson County owned their own home, and by 1990 the percentage of families that owned their own home had fallen to 53%; and

WHEREAS, increasing homeownership rates and decreasing the rates of substandard housing leads to more stable neighborhoods; and

WHEREAS, stable neighborhoods lead to further investments in rehabilitating homes and other buildings in a neighborhood, thus strengthening the overall community and it’s tax base; and

WHEREAS, children of homeowners stay in school longer, are less likely to be arrested, and have fewer teen pregnancies; and

WHEREAS, studies indicate that owner-occupied neighborhoods have lower rates of crime; and

WHEREAS, home equity is the primary source of wealth for the majority of American households and provides a family with assets that can lead to a permanent route out of poverty and into the economic mainstream; and

WHEREAS, homeowners are more stable employees, stay in jobs longer, and have fewer absences from the job; and

WHEREAS, a housing summit has been called for April 8, 1999, at BellSouth Auditorium to begin building community consensus about achieving the goal of providing every Nashvillian the opportunity to live in safe, affordable housing by the year 2010; and

WHEREAS, it is fitting and proper that Metropolitan Government and the residents of Davidson County focus their attention on problems related to the lack of safe, affordable housing and develop plans to change the current trends through public and private partnerships.


SECTION 1. That the Metropolitan County Council hereby goes on record as endorsing the goal of providing every Nashvillian the opportunity to live in safe, affordable housing by the year 2010.

SECTION 2. This Resolution shall take effect from and after its adoption, the welfare of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.

Sponsored By: Chris Ferrell


Referred to: Rules & Confirmations Committee
Personnel & Housing Committee
Introduced: April 6, 1999
Adopted: April 6, 1999
Approved: April 8, 1999
By: mayor.gif (527 bytes)