ADOPTED 01/05/1999
A resolution honoring the Nashville Tree Foundation and the Metro Parks/Beautification & Environment Commission for the ReLeaf Nashville effort.
WHEREAS, ReLeaf Nashville was formed by the Nashville Tree Foundation and the Metro Parks/Beautification & Environment Commission within days following the April 16, 1998, tornadoes that swept through the area of Metropolitan Nashville and Davidson County; and
WHEREAS, ReLeaf Nashville is a five-year, $1 million dollar project to replant 6,500 tornado damaged shade trees on public and private land in Davidson County; and
WHEREAS, the tornadoes of April 16th destroyed 20,000 trees in ten neighborhoods and 14 city parks, and the ReLeaf Nashville project includes a comprehensive planting plan for affected neighborhoods; and
WHEREAS, affected neighborhoods include Eastwood, East End, Hermitage, Historic Edgefield, John Henry Hale, Lockeland Springs, Rosebank, Skyview, Sylvan Heights, and Sylvan Park; and
WHEREAS, Metro Parks which suffered damage include Centennial, Douglas, East, Edmondson, Kirkpatrick, McCabe and McCabe Golf Course, Richland, Riverfront Park and the Metro Courthouse, Shelby and Shelby Golf Course, Two Rivers and Two Rivers Golf Course, and Watkins; and
WHEREAS, hundreds of volunteers took part in the first planting phase of ReLeaf Nashville on Saturday, November 21, 1998, when 989 trees were planted, including the species of Caliper Ash, Oak, London Plane, Tulip Poplar, Red Maple, and Sugar Maple; and
WHEREAS, Mayor Philip Bredesen and Andrea Conte serve as Honorary Chairs, and Martin and Betty Brown serve as Campaign Chairs of ReLeaf Nashville; and
WHEREAS, it is fitting and proper that the Metropolitan Council honor the Nashville Tree Foundation and the Metro Parks/Beautification & Environment Commission for their progress in implementing the ReLeaf Nashville project.
SECTION 1. That the Metropolitan County Council hereby goes on record as honoring the Nashville Tree Foundation and the Metro Parks/Beautification & Environment Commission for the ReLeaf Nashville effort.
SECTION 2. The Metropolitan Council Staff Office is directed to prepare certificates to be presented to the President of the Nashville Tree Foundation and to the Chair of the Metro Beautification & Environment Commission.
SECTION 3. This Resolution shall take effect from and after its adoption, the welfare of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County.
Sponsored By: Ronnie Steine
Referred to: | Rules & Confirmations Committee |
Introduced: | January 5, 1999 |
Adopted: | January 5, 1999 |
Approved: | January 7, 1999 |
By: | ![]() |
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