An ordinance amending section 2.24.250 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws to redact references to Richland Village, the McKay Home, and the Municipal Children’s Home.

WHEREAS, section 2.24.250 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws addresses the disposition of surplus property by the director of public property administration; and

WHEREAS, subsection A of section 2.24.250 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws provides, in part, that any Metropolitan Government owned and operated home or facility for the care of children, whether it be known as Richland Village, the McKay Home, or the Municipal Children's Home as identified in Section 11.1102 of the Metropolitan Charter, shall not be transferred to the custody of the director of public property administration as surplus real property without the approval of the Metropolitan Council by resolution adopted by twenty-one affirmative votes; and

WHEREAS, the facilities identified as Richland Village, the McKay Home, and the Municipal Children's Home are no longer in existence and references to them should be redacted from the Metropolitan Code.


Section 1. That Section 2.24.250 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws is hereby amended by deleting subsection 2.24.250.A in its entirety and substituting the following in lieu thereof:

2.24.250 - Disposition of surplus property.


A.  Whenever the director or other chief administrative officer of any department or agency, or when any board or commission, of the metropolitan government determines that real property of the metropolitan government in the custody of or used by such department, commission, board or agency is no longer needed or suited for its purposes, the board or commission, by resolution, or the director of a department or head of an agency, shall declare such real property surplus, and shall transfer it to the custody of the director of public property administration, but the insurance, maintenance and repairs of the property shall continue to be paid for out of the budget appropriation of the transferring department, commission, board or agency until the end of the fiscal year in which the transfer took place, or until the appropriation for such purposes has been transferred to the department of public property administration in the manner provided by Section 6.11 of the Metropolitan Charter, whichever event occurs first.

Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions in this section, any Metropolitan Government owned and operated home or facility for the care of children, as identified in Section 11.1102 of the Metropolitan Charter, shall not be transferred to the custody of the director of public property administration as surplus real property without the approval of the Metropolitan Council by resolution adopted by twenty-one affirmative votes.

Section 2. That this Ordinance shall take effect immediately after its adoption, the welfare of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.       

Sponsored by: Sheri Weiner


Introduced: October 17, 2017
Passed First Reading: October 17, 2017
Referred to: Rules and Confirmations Committee
Passed Second Reading: November 7, 2017
Passed Third Reading: November 21, 2017
Approved: November 22, 2017
By: Mayor's signature

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