An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from AR2a and RS15 to SP zoning for properties located at Mt. Pisgah Road (unnumbered) and 6000 and 6021 Mt. Pisgah Road, approximately 750 feet west of Christiansted Lane (12.12 acres), to permit 31 single family lots, all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2016SP-011-001).


Section 1. That Title 17 of the Code of Laws of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, is hereby amended by changing the Official Zoning Map for Metropolitan Nashville and Davidson County, which is made a part of Title 17 by reference, as follows:

By changing from AR2a and RS15 to SP zoning for properties located at Mt. Pisgah Road (unnumbered) and 6000 and 6021 Mt. Pisgah Road, approximately 750 feet west of Christiansted Lane (12.12 acres), to permit 31 single family lots, being Property Parcel Nos. 041, 174, 255 as designated on Map 172-00 of the Official Property Identification Maps of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, all of which is described by lines, words and figures on the plan that was duly considered by the Metropolitan Planning Commission, and which is on file with the Metropolitan Planning Department and Metropolitan Clerk’s Department and made a part of this ordinance as though copied herein.

Section 2. Be it further enacted, that the Metropolitan Clerk is hereby authorized and directed, upon the enactment and approval of this ordinance, to cause the change to be made on Map 172 of said Official Zoning Map for Metropolitan Nashville and Davidson County, as set out in Section 1 of this ordinance, and to make notation thereon of reference to the date of passage and approval of this amendatory ordinance.

Section 3. Be it further enacted, that the uses of this SP shall be limited to 31 single family lots.

Section 4. Be it further enacted, that the following conditions shall be completed, bonded or satisfied as specifically required:
1. All lots with alley access must utilize the alley for access. No additional access point is allowed for these lots.
2. On the corrected Preliminary SP plan indicate that Lots 1-5 shall feature side entry garages.
3. On the corrected Preliminary SP plan indicate that Lots 2 and 3 shall have a shared driveway.
4. On the corrected Preliminary SP plan indicate that Lots 4 and 5 shall have a shared driveway.
5. On the corrected Preliminary SP plan indicate that Lots 17 through 24 shall orient toward Mt. Pisgah Road.
6. On the corrected Preliminary SP plan indicate that Lots 14-16 and Lots 25 through 31 shall orient toward open space.
7. On the corrected Preliminary SP plan, add a note stating that at the time that the adjacent property to the east is developed, the 10’ buffer and construction easement shall be removed to allow lots to derive access from the proposed right-of-way.
8. On the corrected Preliminary SP plan, add a note stating that at the time that the adjacent property to the east is developed, the 52’ wide right-of-way shall be extended to the eastern property line and provide a connection.
9. The proposed 10 foot wide open space buffer shall provide a vegetation density consistent with the Standard A-3 landscape buffer yard as specified in Figure 17.24.240A of the Metro Zoning Code.
10. The proposed 25 foot buffer shall provide a vegetation density consistent with the Standard B-1 landscape buffer yard as specified in Figure 17.24.240B of the Metro Zoning Code.
11. The requirements of the Metro Fire Marshal’s Office for emergency vehicle access and adequate water supply for fire protection must be met prior to the issuance of any building permits.

Section 5. Be it further enacted, a corrected copy of the preliminary SP plan incorporating the conditions of approval by Metro Council shall be provided to the Planning Department prior to or with final site plan application.

Section 6. Be it further enacted, minor modifications to the preliminary SP plan may be approved by the Planning Commission or its designee based upon final architectural, engineering or site design and actual site conditions. All modifications shall be consistent with the principles and further the objectives of the approved plan. Modifications shall not be permitted, except through an ordinance approved by Metro Council that increase the permitted density or floor area, add uses not otherwise permitted, eliminate specific conditions or requirements contained in the plan as adopted through this enacting ordinance, or add vehicular access points not currently present or approved.

Section 7. Be it further enacted, if a development standard, not including permitted uses, is absent from the SP plan and/or Council approval, the property shall be subject to the standards, regulations and requirements of the RS10 zoning district as of the date of the applicable request or application. Uses are limited as described in the Council ordinance.

Section 8. Be it further enacted, that this ordinance take effect immediately after its passage and such change be published in a newspaper of general circulation, the welfare of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.

Sponsored by: Robert Swope

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Introduced: July 19, 2016
Passed First Reading: July 19, 2016
Referred to: Planning Commission - Approved with conditions and disapproved without all conditions (9-0)
Planning, Zoning, & Historical Committee
Public Hearing Scheduled For: September 6, 2016
Passed Second Reading: September 6, 2016
Passed Third Reading: September 20, 2016
Approved: September 21, 2016
By: Mayor's signature
Effective: September 30, 2016

Requests for ADA accommodation should be directed to the Metropolitan Clerk at 615/862-6770.