An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, to permit height and setback changes to be approved in the Urban Zoning Overlay District by special exception in lieu of a variance by the Board of Zoning Appeals (Proposal No. 2006Z-025T).
SECTION 1 By amending Tables 17.12.020 B "Multifamily, Mobile Homes, and
Non-Residential Uses" and 17.12.020.C "Mixed-Use and Non-Residential
Districts" of the Metropolitan Code by adding a "Note 6" as follows:
Note 6: Within the urban zoning overlay district, any development (excluding
single-family and two-family) that is unable to meet the height and setback
standards within this table may apply for a special exception as provided in
Sections 17.12.035.A and 17.12.035.D.
SECTION 2 By amending Table 17.12.030.B "Street Setbacks for Multi-Family and Non-Residential Districts; and Non-Residential Uses in AG, AR2a, R and RS Districts" by adding a "Note 6" as follows:
Note 6: Within the urban zoning overlay district, any development (excluding single-family and two-family) that is unable to meet the setback standards within this table may apply for a special exception as provided in Sections 17.12.035.A and 17.12.035.D.
SECTION 3 By amending
Section 17.12.035.A "Street Setbacks Within the Urban Zoning Overlay
District" by adding text as follows:
A. This section establishes street setbacks within the mixed use, office, industrial, RM20, RM40, RM60 or commercial zone districts for any property located within the urban zoning overlay district regardless of the minimum street setback requirements described in Tables 17.12.030.A and 17.12.030.B whenever one or more of the conditions listed below applies (1 - 4). However, in all districts, a principal or accessory structure may be located closer to the street or property line than as permitted by this section or by Tables 17.12.020.B, 17.12.020.C, and 17.12.030.B based on the review and approval of a Special Exception by the Board of Zoning Appeals as provided in 17.12.035.D below.
SECTION 4 By amending
Section 17.12.035.A "Street Setbacks Within the Urban Zoning Overlay
District" by adding a new subsection "D" as follows:
D. Special Setback Regulations for All Uses (Excluding Single-Family and Two-Family Dwellings) Within the Urban Zoning Overlay District
1. In all districts,
a principal or accessory structure may be located closer to the street or property
line than as permitted by this section or by Tables 17.12.020.B, 17.12.020.C,
and 17.12.030.B based on the review and approval of a Special Exception by the
Board of Zoning Appeals.
2. An applicant shall provide evidence to the board as provided in Section 17.12.060.F.3
that the proposed building setbacks shall not create an impact on adjacent properties.
3. The board shall consider a recommendation from the Historic Zoning Commission
and Planning Commission as provided in Section 17.12.060.F.4.
SECTION 5 By amending Section 17.12.060 "Building Height Controls of the Zoning Code" by adding a new subsection "F" as follows:
F. Special Height Regulations for All Uses (Excluding Single-Family and Two-Family Dwellings) Within the Urban Zoning Overlay District
1. In all districts, a principal or accessory structure may exceed the maximum height at the setback line and/or penetrate the height control plane as shown in Tables 17.12.020.B and 17.12.020.C, based on the review and approval of a Special Exception by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
2. The top elevation of an accessory structure shall not exceed the top elevation of any principal building or structure located within the development.
3. An applicant shall provide evidence to the board that the proposed building height shall not create an impact on air, light, shadow, or wind velocity patterns due to the configuration of the building relative to the maximum permitted height standards (including height control plane) and its juxtaposition to, and with, existing structures in the vicinity, or approved, but not yet built structures. In addition, the applicant shall demonstrate that the proposed building height contributes to, and does not detract from, a strong pedestrian-friendly streetscape.
4. The board shall consider a recommendation from the Historic Zoning Commission, if the property is located within an historic overlay district, and a recommendation from the planning commission as provided in Section 17.40.300. The planning commission shall recommend on the proposed development's consistency with the goals, objectives and standards of any redevelopment district as well as the general plan, including any community, neighborhood or other design plan.
SECTION 6 BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, that this ordinance take effect immediately after its passage and such change be published in a newspaper of general circulation, the welfare of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.
Sponsored by: J. B. Loring, Amanda McClendon
Mr. President:
I move to amend Ordinance No. 2006-1047 by modifying as follows:
" Section
1: Delete footnote #6 as proposed for Tables 17.12.020.B and 17.12.020.C in
its entirety and substitute in lieu thereof the following:
Note 6: Within the urban zoning overlay district, any proposed development that
does not meet the setback standards within this table may apply for a special
exception as provided for in Sections 17.12.035.A and 17.12.035.D.
" Section
2: Delete footnote #6 as proposed for Tables 17.12.030.B in its entirety and
substitute in lieu thereof the following:
Note 6: Within the urban zoning overlay district, any proposed development that
does not meet the setback standards within this table may apply for a special
exception as provided in Sections 17.12.035.A and 17.12.035.D.
" Section
3: Delete Section 17.12.035.A , first paragraph, in its entirety and substituting
in lieu thereof the following:
This section establishes street setbacks within the mixed use, office, industrial,
RM20, RM40, RM60 or commercial zone districts for any property located within
the urban zoning overlay district regardless of the minimum street setback requirements
described in Tables 17.12.030.A and 17.12.030.B whenever one or more of the
conditions listed below applies (1 - 4). However, in all districts, a principal
or accessory structure may be located closer to the street or property line
than as permitted by this section or by Tables 17.12.020.B, 17.12.020.C, and
17.12.030.B based on the review and approval of a Special Exception by the Board
of Zoning Appeals as provided in 17.12.035.D below.
" Section
4: Delete #2 under the new subsection "D" as proposed under Section
17.12.035.A in its entirety and substitute in lieu thereof the following:
2. An applicant shall provide evidence to the board as provided in Section 17.12.060.F.3
that the proposed building setbacks shall not create an adverse impact on adjacent
properties nor detract from a strong pedestrian-friendly environment.
" Section
5: Delete #3 under the new subsection "F" as proposed under Section
17.12.035.A in its entirety and substitute in lieu thereof the following:
3. An applicant shall provide evidence to the board that the proposed building
height shall not create an adverse impact on air, light, shadow, or wind velocity
patterns due to the configuration of the building relative to the maximum permitted
height standards (including height control plane) and its juxtaposition to,
and with, existing structures in the vicinity, or approved, but not yet built
structures. In addition, the applicant shall demonstrate that the proposed building
height contributes to, and does not detract from, a strong pedestrian-friendly
Sponsored by: J. B. Loring, Amanda McClendon
Introduced: | April 4, 2006 |
Passed First Reading: | April 4, 2006 |
Referred to: | Planning
Commission - Approved 9-0 (April 11, 2006) Planning & Zoning Committee |
Passed Second Reading: | May 4, 2006 |
Amended: | May 16, 2006 |
Passed Third Reading: | May 16, 2006 |
Approved: | May 17, 2006 |
By: | ![]() |
Effective: | May 20, 2006 |