An Ordinance amending Chapter 12.12 of the Metropolitan Code to require annual reporting on the implementation of the Metro Neighborhood Traffic Management Program.
Section 1. Chapter 12.12 of the Metropolitan Code shall be and the same is hereby amended by adding the following new section:
“12.12.190 Annual reporting on the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program required.
A. Beginning November 1, 2004, and annually thereafter on November 1, the Metropolitan Department of Public Works and the Metropolitan Police Department shall file a report with the Metro Council providing progress on the implementation of the Metro Neighborhood Traffic Management Program (MNTMP) and the results of any and all traffic calming devices, methods and techniques utilized within that year to meet the goals of the affected residents of those streets registered as qualified for remedy in the MNTMP.
B. The annual report will use the best available or most current data available
as the base year for all information requested. To the extent possible, statistical
data used in formulating recommendations or restrictions applied to achieve
strategic solutions should be provided in the report. The annual report should
contain, but is not limited to, the following information:
1. Streets, their sponsoring neighborhood association and Councilmanic districts
in which they are located, active in the MNTMP.
2. Current neighborhood status in program.
3. Their ranking in the process identified:
A. By year entering MNTMP
B. By 85th percentile speed, average daily traffic , pedestrian, bicycle or
auto accidents reported officially and the established priority.
4. Breakdown of expenditures for Engineering, Education and Enforcement related
to the Traffic Management Program,
A. Explanation of educational methods used
B. Explanation of engineering methods used.
C. Number of Police man-hours reported and citations issued for offenses perpetrated
on the streets and intersections of the affected neighborhoods.
5. Number of applicants pending review for entry into the Traffic Management
6. Number of new applications reviewed for entry into the program.
7. Number of projects removed for public health or safety reasons.
8. Number of projects removed by citizen petition request.
Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage, the welfare of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.
Sponsored by: Lynn Williams, Ginger Hausser
Amendment No. 1
Ordinance No. BL2004-374
Mr. President:
I move to amend Ordinance No. BL2004-374 as follows:
1. By amending Section
1 by deleting the phrase “and the Metropolitan
Police Department”.
2. By amending Section 1 by adding the following sentence at the end of the
new Code section 12.12.190.A.:
“ The Metropolitan Police Department shall provide all information to the
Metropolitan Department of Public Works deemed to be necessary for the preparation
of said
Sponsored by: Lynn Williams
Introduced: | September 21, 2004 |
Passed First Reading: | September 21, 2004 |
Referred to: | Public Safety Committee Traffic & Parking Committee |
Amended: | October 5, 2004 |
Passed Second Reading: | October 5, 2004 |
Passed Third Reading: | October 19, 2004 |
Approved: | October 20, 2004 |
By: | ![]() |