An ordinance to amend the Official Street and Alley Acceptance and Maintenance Map for The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by closing a portion of Indiana Avenue (Proposal No. 2001M-026U-08), all of which is more particularly described herein.
WHEREAS: It is the desire of all the abutting property owners that said closures be accomplished; and
WHEREAS: There is no future
need for said portion of said portion of Indiana Avenue for
Metropolitan Government purposes,
SECTION 1. That the Official Street and Alley Acceptance and Maintenance Map for The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, as enacted by Ordinance No. BL2000-526, be and is hereby amended, as follows:
That unused portion of Inidana Avenue beginning at the intersection of 42nd Avenue North to the western terminus at parcel 298, tax map 91-12, all of which is more particularly described by lines, words and figures on the sketch which is attached to and made a part of this ordinance as though copied herein, is hereby closed.
SECTION 2. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That easements are herein retained by The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, its agents, servants, and/or contractors and utility companies operating under franchise from the Metropolitan Government for the right to enter, construct, operate, maintain, repair, rebuild, enlarge, and patrol its now existing or future utilities, including drainage facilities, together with their appurtenances, and the doing of any and all things necessary and incidental thereto.
SECTION 3. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That in the event there is proposed any construction over, above, or under said existing utilities that said construction shall have the approval of the Director of Public Works and/or the Director of Water and Sewerage Services, together with the approval of the Nashville Electric Service, Nashville Gas Company, BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc., InterMedia, A.T.S. Network Communications, Hyperion of Tennessee, T.C.G. Telecom Group, Metro Access Networks (MCI), and Nextlink.
SECTION 4. BE IT FUTHER ENACTED, That the property above described shall be transferred to the Department of Finance to be disposed of in accordance with applicable laws and ordinances.
SECTION 5. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the Director of the Department of Public Works, upon notification of such disposal by the Department of Finance, be and is hereby authorized and directed, upon the enactment and approval of this ordinance, to cause said change to be made on said Map as set out in Section 1 of this ordinance, and to make notation thereon of reference to the date of passage and approval of this amendatory ordinance.
SECTION 6. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this ordinance take effect immediately after its passage, the welfare of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.
Sponsored By: Edward Whitmore
Introduced: | June 5 , 2001 |
Passed First Reading: | June 5, 2001 |
Referred to: | Planning
Commission - Approved 7-0 (3/15/01) Traffic & Parking Commission Public Works Committee Traffic & Parking Committee Planning & Zoning Committee |
Passed Second Reading: | June 19, 2001 |
Passed Third Reading: | June 26, 2001 |
Approved: | June 27, 2001 |
By: | ![]() |