ENACTED 05/18/1999
An ordinance to amend various sections of Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Code of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, relating to permitting camps in agricultural areas zoned AG and AR2a districts, (99Z-010T), all of which is more particularly described herein.
WHEREAS, Substitute Ordinance SO96-555 enacted a new comprehensive zoning code (Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws); and
WHEREAS, Ordinance O98-1321 and O98-1323 recently amended the zoning code (Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws); and
WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County has monitored the effectiveness of that new code to implement the general plan and protect the health, safety and general welfare of the community; and
WHEREAS, it is now in the best interest of the citizens of Metropolitan Nashville and Davidson County to amend selected provisions of that new zoning code so as to better implement the general plan and protect the public health, safety and general welfare of the community;
SECTION 1. That Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, be and is hereby amended as specifically described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein; and
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect five days from and after its passage upon publication of the caption and a summary of the ordinance in a newspaper of general circulation in Metropolitan Nashville and Davidson County, the welfare of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.
Sponsored By: Regina Patton & Tim Garrett
Chapter 17.04 (General Provisions and Definitions)
Amend Section 17.04.060 (Definitions) to insert a definition for "Camp" as follows:
"Camp" means a place where children, youth and adults gather together for spiritual, recreational, or educational purposes in an organized and supervised manner, and where overnight lodging (e.g. tents, cabins), food, counseling, religious, and outdoor recreational activites may be provided.
Chapter 17.08 (Zoning Districts and Land Uses)
Amend Section 17.08.030 (District Land Use Table: Recreation and Entertainment Use) to insert "Camp" as a PC (permitted w/ conditions) use in the AG and AR2a zoning districts.
Chapter 17.16 (Land Use Development Standards)
Amend Section 17.16.120 (Uses Permitted with Conditions (PC): Recreation and Entertainment Uses) to insert "Camp" as item C as follows:
C. Camp
1. Lot Size. The minimum lot area shall be 10 acres.
2. Setback. All structures and activity areas, including outdoor amphitheaters, ballfields, tennis courts, swimming pools, parking or unloading areas, shall be located a minimum of one hundred fifty feet from any residential zoning district boundary or any residential structure.
3. Landscape Buffer Yard. Along all residential zone districts and districts permitting residential use, screening in the form of landscape buffer yard standard D shall be applied along common property lines.
4. Traffic Management Study. The Traffic Engineer may require a traffic management study to determine what, if any, improvements may be necessary to accommodate projected traffic to and from the camp facility.
5. Parking. Adequate off-street parking and loading/unloading areas shall be provided on-site, including all accessory uses.
6. Lighting. All light and glare shall be directed on-site to ensure surrounding properties are not adversely impacted by increases in direct or indirect ambient lighting levels. Lighting of outdoor amphitheater, ballfields or other outdoor recreation/activity areas shall be prohibited after ten p.m. any day of the week.
7. Outdoor Loudspeakers. There shall be no outdoor loudspeakers or public address systems, except as may be needed for emergency purposes.
8. Refuse Storage and Disposal. Trash areas shall be provided and screened on at least three sides from public view by an opaque impact-resistant fence of sufficient height to screen the dumpster(s).
9. Signs. One on-premise ground or pole mounted sign measuring no larger than ten square feet shall be permitted at each camp entrance. The maximum height of a ground mounted sign shall be 3.5 feet tall and a pole mounted sign shall be 15 feet. All signs shall be either spotlighted or externally lit. On-premise temporary signs shall not be permitted.
10. Accessory Uses. The following accessory uses shall be permitted in conjunction with a camp: restaurant, gift shop, boat dock, gas pumps, outdoor amphitheater, recreational equipment rental shop, day care, chapel, small administrative and medical offices, ATM, personal care services, and water tank. The maximum square footage of any commercial accessory use shall be limited to 2,500 square feet. Parking, loading and access shall be provided as required in Chapter 17.20 of this code.
Chapter 17.20 (Parking, Loading and Access)
Amend Section 17.20.030 (Parking Requirements Established: Recreation and Entertainment Uses) to insert "Camp" in alphabetical order as follows:
Land Use |
Minimum Parking Spaces |
Camp | Established by the traffic engineer (Section 17.20.030F) |
Mr. President:
I move to amend Ordinance No. O99-1644 as follows:
By deleting the phrase "(99Z-010T)" in the bills caption and substituting in lieu thereof "(99Z-008T)".
Chapter 17.08 (Zoning Districts and Land Uses)
By deleting "PC (permitted with conditions)" and substituting in lieu thereof "SE (special exception)".
Chapter 17.16 (Land Use Development Standards)
By deleting the amendment to Section 17.16.120 (Uses Permitted with Conditions (PC): Recreation and Entertainment Uses) and substituting in lieu thereof "Section 17.16.220 (Recreation and Entertainment Special Exceptions)" to insert "Camp" in alphabetical order as follows:
- Camp
- Lot Size. The minimum lot area shall be 10 acres + 1 acre/50 campers.
- Setback. All structures and activity areas, including outdoor amphitheaters, ballfields, tennis courts, swimming pools, parking or unloading areas, shall be located a minimum of one hundred fifty feet from any residential zoning district boundary or any residential structure.
- Landscape Buffer Yard. Along all residential zone districts and districts permitting residential use, screening in the form of landscape buffer yard standard D shall be applied along common property lines.
- Traffic Management Study. The Traffic Engineer may require a traffic management study to determine what, if any, improvements may be necessary to accommodate projected traffic to and from the camp facility.
- Parking. Adequate off-street parking and loading/unloading areas shall be provided on-site, including all accessory uses.
- Lighting. All light and glare shall be directed on-site to ensure surrounding properties are not adversely impacted by increases in direct or indirect ambient lighting levels. Lighting of outdoor amphitheater, ballfields or other outdoor recreation/activity areas shall be prohibited after ten p.m. any day of the week.
- Outdoor Loudspeakers. There shall be no outdoor loudspeakers or public address systems, except as may be needed for emergency purposes.
- Refuse Storage and Disposal. Trash areas shall be provided and screened on at least three sides from public view by an opaque impact-resistant fence of sufficient height to screen the dumpster(s).
- Signs. One on-premise ground or pole mounted sign measuring no larger than ten square feet shall be permitted at each camp entrance setback 15 feet from the street right-of-way. The maximum height of a ground mounted sign shall be 3.5 feet tall and a pole mounted sign shall be 15 feet. All signs shall be either spotlighted or externally lit. On-premise temporary signs shall not be permitted.
- Uses. All principal and accessory uses shall be identified on the special exception permit and labeled on the site plan along with the proposed square footage of each use, including the number of overnight accommodation units. Any changes to a principal or accessory use, including modifications or additions, shall be approved as an amendment to the special exception permit by the Board of Zoning Appeals, as provided in Article VII of this title.
Chapter 17.20 (Parking, Loading and Access)
Amend Section 17.20.030 (Parking Requirements Established:
Recreation and Entertainment Uses) to insert "Camp" in alphabetical order as follows:
Land Use
Minimum Parking Spaces Camp Established by the traffic engineer (Section 17.20.030F)
Sponsored By: Regina Patton
Amendment Adopted: May 4, 1999
Introduced: | April 6, 1999 |
Passed First Reading: | April 6, 1999 |
Referred to: | Planning
Commission - Approved 8-0 (4/29/99) Planning & Zoning Committee |
Amended: | May 4, 1999 |
Passed Second Reading: | May 4, 1999 |
Passed Third Reading: | May 18, 1999 |
Approved: | May 24, 1999 |
By: | ![]() |
Effective Date: | May 26, 1999 |